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8. Computer controlled machining


  • Group assignment Test runout, alignment, speeds, feeds, and toolpaths for your machine

  • individual project Make something big on a CNC machine.

Group Assignment

Concept of something Big



Defined some parameters.

Sketched the table top and leg.

Excluded the sketch to the thickness of the board.

Leg was jointed to the table.

Extruded the center part. It is the enclosure of the mist unit and the projector.

Sketched some fire wood branches.

Excluded the branches and put them into the holes of table.

I examined the design with 1/5 model (laser cutter)


I defined the parameters based on the result of group work.

  • 2D outline tool path

    • Cut depth = 15.5mm ( board thickness + 0.5mm)
    • End mill = 1/4” Down-cut(57-910)
    • Speed 12,000 RPM (Spindle Rotation Speed)
    • Feed 3.0inch/second
    • Path = 3
    • Vector processing = Outline
    • Add Tab
  • Pocket tool path

    • Depth = 5mm
    • End mill = 1/4” Down-cut(57-910)
    • Speed 12,000 RPM (Spindle Rotation Speed)
    • Feed 3.0inch/second
    • Path = 3
    • Clear pocket = offset


Time and order

Machine settings

I did AIR CUT at the height of Z=50 to confirm the path.

At the beginning of AIR CUT, the machine stopped when moved to origin point. I checked the settings, then found that the XY offset was set by default. So I removed the offset setting and tried again, then the Shopbot started milling properly. I have to check all settings carefullr, especially when we have to share a same software with other users.


The Tab was so small that some tabs were broken.
Tab size: width=0.5mm, hight=0.125mm

The margin was narrow but the leg itself was not damaged.


I decided the parameters with the test cut, so the joints were tight.
