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2. Project management

january, 23

This week I overcome two major issues:

A. Close the “aqua nostra” unmanned boat features;

B. Customize the use of the ATOM + GITLAB integration;

C. I’ve a bigger goal, integrate GANTT with GIT LAB;

A. Aqua nostra features and goals

The main purpose of this opensource unmanned robot solar catamaran boat is to be used as an affordable maritime platform for education and scientific research.

This platform is fully 3D printed with PLA and can be controlled by GPS way points or by radio. The design enables to transport an inner platform where it is possible to assemble several types of sensors for water quality, microplastics detection, sonar or just to test electronics and programing.

This prototype is a catamaran of 1,5 m long, a width of 1 m and 0,8 m heigh. It weights around 50 kg, it has a maximum payload of 15 kg with a max volume 60L (L500xW400xH300mm) and can move at speed of 1 m/s.

It has two security buttons to stop running and two inflatable bags in the case of sink. The main source of energy is solar but it can be charged when docked. It as two DC motors of 100 W each.

This project can be promoted as an assembled vessel or DIY kit.


Please go to the former week and look to the Project Main Readings/References.

I also look into the former students pages but didn’t found projects similar. Same were about boats but no specific or cloe to the project I’m planning.

B. Customize GIT with ATOM

The use of GITLAB, the concepts, strategies, names like, SSH, branch, API, mantra, Commit Branches, Pulling and pushing, merging, rebasing … it seems all magic and I feel getting close to insanity… well, not so close.

What I really retain was the tips about project management principles present by professor Neil :

triage - AMBITIONS linkied to feasible GOALS.
demand- vs supply-side time management - Define what has to happen in each day
serial vs parallel development - Things can run parallel paths, the number his up to you
spiral development - Each spiral goes to an end
bottom-up vs top-down debugging
debug, hierarchy, modularity
document as you work - Don't wait to document, keep ATOM open and write wriTE wRITE WRITE!

The assignements were: work through a GIT tutorial and build a personal website. I did both, but the last one still needs work.

About the GIT, I followed the tutorial to start using GIT here.

At the “UPLOAD YOUR REPO ONLINE”, it didn’t make the GIT PULL:

fatal: No configured push destination.
Either specify the URL from the command-line or configure a remote repository using

    git remote add <name> <url>

and then push using the remote name

    git push <name>

Trying and trying again. Nothing!

Next day, the same: SSH didn’t work. Tryed HTTPS, and it works. Thats almost good. Get ATOM and start working offline.

When I start the mantra everything look strange and in the end, ERROR!

I ask for help with Luís Carvão. And we did it! Thank you Luís and Filipe for the support!

The errors:

1. I did have another GIT account, from Git-HUB, and didn´t noticed;
2. The local university wireless network don't accept SSH;

How did you found this?

A. find hidden SSH files; B. remove them; C. restart the process config D. change the wireless network

Basic code in the computer terminal (MAC):

ls - list of files; ls -al ~/.ssh;

Inside the file know_host to delete its content and open with NANO:

nano ~/.ssh/known_hosts;

rm ~/.ssh/

Inside the file using CAT text editor:

cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub;

RESART the GIT procedure:


New SSH key at GITLAB, and copy it to the clipboard:

pbcopy < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

All configurations and complete procedure… DIDN’T WORK!

This is the image caption

solution: change wireless network!


After the integration with the ATOM it was really easy, and now full speed: website



folder change at the terminal: cd ~/fabacademy2019/antonio-gomes

git pull -> see if there are changings
git add . -> add all (differences) files
git commit -m "commentsTAG" -> tag your new changings
git push -> get them alive!

C. Fiore lecture


Agile project management


PRATICAL NOTE: If your site doesn’t update after a few minutes:

D. TO DO NEXT (if I have time): integrate GANTT with GITLAB!!!

Not yet done, but the pdf file is here : see page 15