Embedded Programming.

For the assignment of the 9th week: Embedded Programming, it will be divided into 5 parts: Datasheets, ISP connection, Languages and software, Group assignment and Download. The goal of this week is programming my hello world board.


In order to start programming, it is necessary to first know very well the microcontrollers that we are going to use and those that we have used in the past weeks, so we must read the Attiny microcontroller datasheet. The most used microcontrollers in the fabacademy are the attiny44 and the attiniy 45, another very used is the atmega328.


The smallest microcontroller used in the Fabacademy, after having read the microcontroller datasheet, which you can see here, I observe that I only have 12 pins to be able to program: 2 Analog Inputs and 5 digital, PB3 and PB4 works as analog input and digital I/O but only one, never both at the same time. The PB0 and PB1 can use a pulse width modulator (PWM) internal to the microcontroller. In addition to a consumption of 300uA working at 1Mhz on your internal clock.


It is a versatile microcontroller for simple applications given by the number of pins and its small memory: 4Kb of programmable memory.
Reading the datasheet of the microcontroller here . This microcontroller has 2 timers internally for use without having a crystal oscillator, but on the other hand it still has a limited memory for programming: 4kB. For these cases it is recommended to perform a programming with a low level language to save memory. The consumption on the pins is similar that attiny44. It is observed unlike the previous model that we only have 6 programmable pins: 7 analog inputs (PA0 to PA7) and 11 digitals I/O, 4 of them use PWM (PA5, PA6, PA7 and PB2)

Below we can see an image with the pins of both microcontrollers.
Source: https://www.instructables.com/id/Program-an-ATtiny44458485-with-Arduino/


The atmega328 is a much more powerful microcontroller than the previous one, not only for its memory: 32Kb flash, also for the number of programmable pins: 23. But its consumption is 0.2mA. You can see its datasheet here. Very apart from the HelloWorld plate, I tried to make a board on the base of the 328 atmega, for this I use a basic scheme as shown in the picture, but I change some components like the capacitors and oscilator:
Source: http://www.electronoobs.com/arduino_tut6.php
The final schematic design is the following: At the time of making the board, the milling cuts some of the tracks and loses continuity, so I continue with the programming of the helloworld and I will leave the atmega for later.

ISP connection

In order to program the board, I need my computer to recognize my ISP using Windows, in order to recognize the board I follow this tutorial. After having followed the tutorial step by step, my computer does not recognize the ISP. But nevertheless if I make the AVR MKII programmer that I used weeks ago, my laptop recognizes my ISP, after making this connection, I disconnect the AVR and it keeps the recognition of my ISP as shown in the picture. Once the ISP is recognized, programming could begin.

Languages and software

The microcontrollers use different programming languages such as the assambler, the c ++ and even some softwares use a modification of some programming languages, such as the one used by the Arduino hardware.

IDE Arduino

A very recommendable software to program microcontrollers in a simple way and with hundreds of examples on the internet, is the Arduino IDE. It is a free and widely used hardware worldwide. The software is free download, from this link which can be installed on both Windows, Mac and Linux. In my case I use windows. After installing the IDE, the first step is to install the necessary libraries to be able to program in the Attiny44, which is the microcontroller that I will use. The process can be seen in the following picture.


Then I write my first code, a basic blink of a couple of seconds on and off.
int led1=7;
void setup() {

void loop() {
In the loading process, you can see the video of the steps to follow, as well as its operation.
Additionally, I have created a couple of programs that will be shown below, the first is the lighting of a led using a push button and the second code is the LED lighting after pressing 4 times to turn it on.

int led1=7;
int button=3;
int state;

void setup() {

void loop() {
Test button
int  button = 3;
int led1 = 7;

int buttonPushCounter = 0;
int buttonState = 0;
int lastButtonState = 0;

void setup() {

void loop() {
    buttonState = digitalRead(button);

  if (buttonState != lastButtonState) {
    if (buttonState == HIGH) {
    else {
  lastButtonState = buttonState;

  if (buttonPushCounter % 4 == 0) {
    digitalWrite(led1, HIGH);
  } else {
   digitalWrite(led1, LOW);

Configuration and Upload

In order to upload our first code, which will be the blink, we must configure the IDE tools with the following data:
Board Attiny24/44/84
Processor Attiny44
Clock External 20 Mhz
Programmer USBtinyISP
Now we will need our ISP and an FTDI. The function of the ISP is to burn the bootloader, which prepares the microcontroller to receive the code.
We use a FTDI, the function is converting the serial transmissions to USB signals in order to allow Attiny compatibility with the computer with the data transmission pins: Tx and Rx. Below is a picture of the necessary connection. Having the ISP, the FTDI and the connected HelloWorld proceed to carry out the programming following the following steps:
  1. Compile the program.
  2. The bootloader is burned.
  3. Upload the code.
Below is a video of the steps to follow.

This video is from button code

And this one is the test button code

Another programs and languages


To program in C, I reviewed this tutorial to be able to understand the code used by a co-worker who made the Fabacademy last year, Carlos Herbozo. Using the code he has I charge the code and check that if the code works.

int main (void)
//Set the Led Pin.
  DDRA = (1 << PA7);
//While(1) allows the program to loop
  while (1)
//Set the Led as "ON"
      PORTA = (1 << PA7);
//Wait for 1 second

//Set the Led as "OFF"
      PORTA = (0 << PA7);
//Wait for 1 second"
  return 1;//keep returning 1 so that the program will loop endlessly
In the C language it is important to know the difference between ports A and B.
Ports A are bidirectional ports of 8 bits that are normally used as analog pins, while ports B are bidirectional 4 bits and are usually used as digital pins.
For the assignment of inputs we will use the analog converter (page 129 from the datasheet of attiny44) and the assignment of outputs we use the PWM signal (page 69 of the datasheet). We must define the pin to use, in this case the line DDRA = (1 << PA7) indicates that we will use the pinA7.
The line PORTA = (1 << PA7) indicates that we are setting its value to 1, that is, HIGH. While the line PORTA = (0 << PA7); we force its value to a 0, that is, a LOW.
The while (1) symbol symbolizes the start of the operation loop. Analyzing the Neil’s code on the hello world we can see that he activates the clock using the following lines:
// set clock divider to / 1
CLKPR = (1 << CLKPCE);
CLKPR = (0 << CLKPS3) | (0 << CLKPS2) | (0 << CLKPS1) | (0 << CLKPS0);
On page 30 of the datasheet we talk about the System clock prescaler: This feature can be used to decrease power consumption when therequirement for processing power is low. This can be used with all clock source options, and it will affect the clock frequency of the CPU and all synchronous peripherals.
This estructure is:
Bit 7 – CLKPCE: Clock Prescaler Change Enable The CLKPCE bit must be written to logic one to enable change of the CLKPS bits.
Bits 6:4 – Res: Reserved Bits These bits are reserved in the ATtiny24/44/84 and will always read as zero
Bits 3:0 – CLKPS3:0: Clock Prescaler Select Bits 3 - 0 These bits define the division factor between the selected clock source and the internal system clock.

What else can I learn?

Many years ago in the university I started to program microcontrollers and there was the option of creating interruption subroutines,besides being able to control the watchdog. I hope in the future to be able to understand and use these concepts in a way, since they are very important for the programming and use of the internal memo.


Investigating about ways of programming, I have seen that if an Arduino board can be programmed by the Atom. I found this tutorial that explains in detail how to prepare the atom for programming. Below is an picture in which I have prepared the Atom for programming, as well as some codes already made. My first test was with an Arduino Uno, first I create a new project like the picture: Edit the main file from src folder with the same code: Finally I upload the code in an Arduino board, but I can not do it with my ISP and my hello world board, I read all the tutorial but I can not do it. I even modified the platformio.ini file with the communication protocol, but I did not have the expected results.

Group assignment

For the group assignment, we use a Raspberry Pi Zero W, my contribution was the programming of that board. The laboratory has some digitals inputs(3 buttons) and digital outputs(3 leds).
After reading the pin connection of the raspberry, this is the connection of the board and raspberry. For the programming I base from this tutorial and this is the code:
from gpiozero import LED
from time import sleep


while True:
Another code is a push button with one led.
from gpiozero import LED, Button
from signal import pause



This video is from the blink code.

To see all the documentation of the group work, you can visit the CIT page. Both structures have a great similarity: we must define the pins to use and create all the programming in a single loop.
The problem of using the raspwberry architecture is the incorporation of libraries to use their ports, while in the arduino libraries are used to improve and summarize the code.
On one side of the raspberry if it allows to perform tasks in parallel to have a microprocessor, while the arduino is not necessary to use libraries unless they are peripheral sensors or actuators.
For costs, the arduino is the best option while by code, only the raspberry would be used if we want to use multitask functions.

Download files

You can download this files Here:
Arduino Code
Test Button
Blink C
Blink Atom
Blink Raspberry
Button Raspberry
Atmega board