It all started with the intro lecture of Neil...After that we all were ready to dive into the world of exploration and endless possibilities what digital fabrication can provide. To get more insides watch the lecture here
As my final project I decided to make a lamp. Smart lamp, its body would be created by 3D printing. Smart lamp that intereacts with you, it reacts to your movement, when you touch it it turns on/off, it is in equilibgum to the ambient light, when the sun goes down, the lamp turnes on. Depending on the light intensity it changes also its brightness, temperature of the also can change the RGB colors...
sketch of the final project/rendered in Keyshot *as other images below
Light shell proposal with perforations (light/shadow game), rendered in Keyshot
...and this is how I got it...Video of the process of creating the shell for the lamp. This process was created in 3D SW Rhino and its plugin Grasshopper, video was done by animating slider what generates specific number of frames and than taking those to movie maker component embeded within the Processing environment.
Video of the process of creating the shell displays the geometry of basic circular shape - a torus - a surface of revolution generated by revolving a circle in three-dimensional space about an axis coplanar with the circle. Torus turnes itself inside out. Its selfintersection explores a wide variations of possible geometrical forms that can be further developed as a shelter for hosting a light source.
#testing Video of the process of creating the shell with skinning. Baking of various stages can be a base for the library of different topologies.
Final project porposal >>>slide down for full presentation
Final project experimentation. Shell variations. Library of different topological stages >>>slide down for full presentation
Final project experimentation. Shell generation process >>>slide down for full presentation
for more info on my Final Project - Concept go here or here
for more info on my Final Project - Process go here
for more info on my Final Project - Result go here
digital fabrication_fab labs_schedule_rights and responsibilities_synchronization_static html_java script_CSS_frameworks_web development_bootstrap_blogs_git_content management systems_project management principles