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Group assignment:
  • compare the performance and development workflows for other architectures
  • Individual assignment:
  • read a microcontroller data sheet
  • program your board to do something, with as many different programming languages and programming environments as possible

  • Have I...?

  • Documented what I learned from reading a microcontroller datasheet? YES
  • What questions do I have? What would I like to learn more about? YES
  • Programmed my board? YES
  • Described the programming process/es I used? YES
  • Included my code? YES


    So, the time to the time to do something with my board (see Week 6) has come. For this week I have decided to proceed with the following schedule:
  • 1) Make a C code to blink the LED
  • 2) Make an Arduino code to blink the LED (EXTRA)
  • 3) Make a C code to blink the LED when the button is pressed
  • 4) Make an Arduino code to blink the LED when the button is pressed(EXTRA)

  • 1 - Make a C code to blink the LED

    First of all I tried to understand better what kind of file and tools I'll need and what they will do. Basically I'll use:
  • a Text Editor (in my case, Brackets to write my blinkLED.c, my Makefile etc...)
  • a Compiler (in my case avr-gcc, a specific version of GCC compiler for AVR microcontrollers)
  • a Programmer (hardware that can read instructions from my PC and send them to my board, in my case the programmer I made during Week 4)
  • AVRDUDE (a software to upload contents to AVR microcontrollers' memories via ISP)

  • I opened the Makefile found for Week 6 (Link) and tutorials in the Tutorial Section of Fab Academy's website in order to understand better how to build my own one. I admit that this required some hours of study, as well as some in-depth studies gived me by Simone Guercio. But in the end I decided to open the Makefile i linked before and modified it. Some information to include in this file are explained in ATtiny44 datasheet, like other as:
  • memory slots lenght (8-bit)
  • size of Flash, RAM and EEPROM memories (4K/256/256 Bytes)
  • PIN number (14) and description (VCC, GND, PORT A, PORTB, RST)
  • oscillator frequence (1 to 8 MHz internal clock, up to 20MHz in the board I made during Week 6 because I inserted an additional resonator)
  • that is programmable via SPI port
  • operating voltage: – 1.8 – 5.5V
  • speed grade (0–20MHz, @4.5–5.5V)
  • so curious: it can be retain datas for 100 years at 25°C or for 20 years at 85°C
        #Project: week08 fab academy 2018
        #Author: Dario Bernabini, Santa Chiara Lab Siena
        F_CPU = 20000000
        CFLAGS=-mmcu=$(MMCU) -Wall -Os -DF_CPU=$(F_CPU)
        $(PROJECT).hex: $(PROJECT).out
    	   avr-objcopy -O ihex $(PROJECT).out $(PROJECT).c.hex;\
    	   avr-size --mcu=$(MMCU) --format=avr $(PROJECT).out
        $(PROJECT).out: $(SOURCES)
    	   avr-gcc $(CFLAGS) -I./ -o $(PROJECT).out $(SOURCES)
        program-usbtiny: $(PROJECT).hex
    	   avrdude -p t44 -P usb -c usbtiny -U flash:w:$(PROJECT).c.hex
        program-usbtiny-fuses: $(PROJECT).hex
    	   avrdude -p t44 -P usb -c usbtiny -U lfuse:w:0xDE:m  
    To be honest, initially I've set avrdude -p t44 -P usb -c usbtiny -U lfuse:w:0x5E:m in program-usbtiny-fuses and 1000 ms delay in my C file. But I notice that in this case 1000ms ≠ 1sec but around 10 seconds. I asked some infos to Simone that suggested me to take a look to This tutorial. It says:
    The clock speed therefore is 1Mhz, i.e. if we tell the compiler in the Makefile with F_CPU = 8000000 that the chip runs at 8MHz, everything will be executed 8x slower than we expect. This is the explanation if delay_ms(double) seems ~10x slower against wall-clock time.
    Infact LOW Fuses bytes are, in general, responsable for clock and frequences; HIGH Fuses for (in general) for the communication with memories (flash, EEPROM), with the bootloader and with other devices via SPI.
    So I Googled "ATtiny 44 fuses calculator and I opened This Website. I wrote 0x5E in LOW tab and Apply it.

    I've notice the tick on Divide clock by 8 internally; [CKDIV8=0]. Unticking that voice, the hex value changing in 0xDE.

    So I opened again the datasheet and at page 24 I've seen:

    so, for Crystal Oscillator / Ceramic Resonator option, bit CKSEL3 must be 1, and others (CKSEL2, CKSEL1, CKSEL0) could be 1 or 0. Going ahead, at page 27:

    the datasheet says that for frequencies of 8 MHz or higher CKSEL3, CKSEL2, CKSEL1 must be 1. About CKSEL0, SUT0 and SUT1 bits:

    And about CKDIV8:

    Returning for a second time to the Calculator and ticking or unticking bits in the method I've found in the datasheet, the result is also 0xDE.
    PAY ATTENTION when you tick or untick options in this calculator because Tick = 0 = programmed and Untick = 1 = unprogrammed.

    So finally, I'm sure that changing the low fuse value from 0x5E to 0xDE I could regulate the fuse and make 1000 ms exactly 1 second.

    And here my C file. I admit that I wrote it looking some codes founded online, some made by Fab Academy students and some shared as example by the book Make AVR Programming (here the example). To make it I asked help to my classmate Tommaso, who explained me some informatic basic infos like logic operators in C language:

    #include <avr/io.h>       //lib included
    #include <util/delay.h>   //lib included
    int main (void){                //start main function     
        DDRB |= (1 << PB2);         //set 1 (output) to PB2 pin
    while (1){                      //start infinite loop
        PORTB |= (1 << PB2);        //set PB2 in HIGH state (on)
        _delay_ms(2000);            //wait 
        PORTB &= ~(1 << PB2);       //set PB2 in LOW state (off)
        _delay_ms(1000);            //wait   
    return 0;                       //exit main function
    }                               //end
    So I connected my programmer made during Week 4, I opened a new Terminal app inside the folder where I saved my blinkLEDario.c and blinkLEDario.make and I launched:
    make -f blinkLEDario.make
    in order to create blinkLEDario.hex and blinkLEDario.out, and
    make -f blinkLEDario.make program-usbtiny-fuses
    make -f blinkLEDario.make program-usbtiny
    to start programming process. The result is:

    2 - Make an Arduino code to blink the LED

    First of all I installed the Arduino IDE and, after opened it, I prepared it to communicate with other AVR boards. Adding this repo (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/damellis/attiny/ide-1.6.x-boards-manager/package_damellis_attiny_index.json) in Arduino Preferences (in MacOS) I could interface Arduino IDE with my board and other AVR microcontrollers (adding the support clicking in Tools - Board).

    Than I choosed following parameters for communicate with my board:

  • Board - ATtiny 24/44/84
  • Processor - ATtiny44
  • Clock - External 20 MHz
  • Programmer - USBtinyISP
  • And than I wrote my code:
    int ledPin = 5;                 //PB2 pin is the number 5
    void setup() {                
        pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);    //pin 5 is a output
    void loop() {                   //start infinite loop
        digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); //pin 5 is in HIGH state (on)
        delay(200);                 //wait
        digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);  //pin 5 is in LOW state (off)
        delay(100);                 //wait
    Once I finish, I clicked on Sketch - Upload via programmer

    The result is that Arduino uploaded correctly the sketch but unfortunately nothing happened. I also thought about recognition problems about serial ports (I had heard of issues of the Arduino IDE on MacOS High Sierra). Looking better the only solution was that I declared a wrong PIN number. I choosed the 5 because I've seen it in the ATtiny44 Datasheet:

    But it's wrong because Arduino uses different numbers for pinouts, infact searching for "ATtiny Arduino pinout" on Google I've found this scheme:

    So I tried again and here is the result:
    int ledPin = 8;                //PB2 pin is the number 8  
    void setup() {                
        pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);   //pin 8 is a output
    void loop() {                   //start infinite loop
        digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); //pin 8 is in HIGH state (on)
        delay(2000);                //wait
        digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);  //pin 8 is in LOW state (off)
        delay(1000);                //wait

    3 - Make a C code to blink the LED when the button is pressed

    At this point I take my previous code and I try to modify it in order to swith on the LED when the button is pressed.
    #include <avr/io.h>             //lib included
    #include <util/delay.h>         //lib included
    int main (void){        
          DDRB |= (1 << PB2);             //LED on PB2 pin is an output
          PORTB &= ~(1 << PB2);
          DDRA &= ~(1 << PA7);            //button on PA7 pin is an input
          PORTA |= (1 << PA7);
    while (1){        
          ((PINA & (1 << PA7)) == 0){     //if the button is pressed
          PORTB |= (1 << PB2);            //set PB2 LED in HIGH state (on)
          _delay_ms(2000);                //wait
          PORTB &= ~(1 << PB2);           //set PB2 LED in LOW state (off)
          _delay_ms(1000);                //wait
          PORTB |= (1 << PB2);            //set PB2 LED in HIGH state (on) again
          _delay_ms(2000);                //wait
          PORTB &= ~(1 << PB2);           //set PB2 LED in LOW state (off) again
          _delay_ms(1000);                //wait
    else {
          PORTB &= ~(1 << PB2);           //else PB2 LED is on LOW state (off)
    And obviusly I modified my Makefile with the name of my new file:

    4 - Make an Arduino code to blink the LED when the button is pressed

    As last thing I've tried to reproduce the same behaviour using the Arduino IDE. I opened again my sketch created previusly and I started modifying it adding a button as an INPUT device. I must thanks Pietro and my classmate Tommaso for suggesting me.
    int ledPin = 8;                         //PB2 pin is the number 8
    int buttonPin = 7;                      //PA7 pin is the number 7
    int buttonState;                        //buttonState variable
    void setup(){
       pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);             //pin 8 is an OUTPUT
       pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);           //pin 7 is an INPUT
       digitalWrite(buttonPin, HIGH);       //activate button internal R-pull
    void loop() {
      digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);            //initial LED state (off)
      buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin); //button state is given reading the button pin 
      if(buttonState == LOW){               //if button is pressed (it's connected to GND)
       digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);          //LED is switched on - here I could add a delay to blink it
      digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);            //in every other cases LED is switched off

    Download and Conclusions

    I'm very far to say that I learned C and Arduino codes (I think one week it's a very short time), but the work made during this week it's a little start. It was very hard undersand first the logic behind bits position in DDR and PORT registers and translate them in my C code. It's clear and I know that I have to learn more and more.
    Question about datasheet? A lot. Quite every single word and figure.
    As last thing I would compare sizes of my last two codes:
  • blinkLEDario_button.hex = 451 byte
  • blinkLEDario_button.ino compiled = 714 byte
  • So I can say that C code are lighter that an equivalent in Arduino and it's possible to save save about half space.
    --> Download week8.zip (ZIP Archive, 11 KB)

    Arduino Dictionary

    In order to understand better commands, variables and logic operators in the Arduino environment, I decided to make a sort of very basic "Arduino Dictionary" that I think it could be useful in the future.


  • void setup() - Here we can put the initialization code and main instructions (such as INPUTs and OUTPUTs)
  • void loop() - Here we can put the code that the board will do as long as the board is connected to the power supply
  • Constants

  • HIGH - switch on a PIN
  • LOW - switch off a PIN
  • INPUT - a PIN is an input
  • OUTPUT - a PIN in an output
  • TRUE - an istruction is true
  • FALSE - an istruction is false
  • Variables

  • boolean - it can be assume only two values (true or false)
  • char - it contains only 1 character
  • byte - it can contains a number from 0 to 255 and it uses only 1 byte of memory
  • int - it can contains a number from -32768 to 32767 and it uses 2 bytes of memory
  • unsigned int - it has the same characteristics of the previous one, but it can't assume negative values, so it goes from 0 to 65535
  • long - it contains the double number of int, so it goes from -2147483648 to 2147483647
  • unsigned long - the same of unsigned int but it goes from 0 to 4294967295
  • float - it can contains number with the comma
  • string - a set of ASCII characters used to save textual infos
  • array - a list of variables that can be called by an index.
  • Control structures

  • if....else - it allows operations to be performed under specific conditions
  • for - it allows to repeat a code n times
  • while - it executes a code block until a certain condition in the brackets is true
  • return - it stops a function that is being executed and returns a result
  • Comparison operators

  • == - equal to
  • > - more than
  • < - less than
  • != - different to
  • Input and output functions

  • pinMode(pin,mode) - set a pin as input or output (i.e. pinMode (13, INPUT))
  • digitalWrite(pin,value) - set a pin on high o low
  • digitalRead(pin) - read a pin state
  • Time functions

  • delay(ms) - pause

  • EXTRA - Satshakit

    I also tried to create a new board, in particular the Satshakit. It's basically an homemade Arduino board and infact Arduino IDE recognize it as an Arduino Uno.

    The only thing I modified is that the crystal I've found in my Lab is at 16 MHz but it needs two 18 pF capacitors instead of 22 pF suggested by the creator of Satshakit in his BOM.
    Once I finished I tried to burn bootloader via Arduino IDE and...obviusly for the third time...rc=-1!
    In the last month I've seen more rc=-1 messages than "how are you?" SMS from my mom.
    I solved the problem with a second soldering, adding some tin around headers. And than finally it worked but......with some problem about timing (in particular, a delay(1000) were around 0.5 second), using the code:
    int ledPin = 9;           //PB5 pin is the number 9  
    void setup() {                
        pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);   
    void loop() {                   
        digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); 
        digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);  

    I thought about two possible causes:
  • software problems - I make some mistake in my sketch or there were problems in low fuses
  • hardware problems - probably bad soldering of the crystal

  • I left the hardware option as last and least option and then I decided to focus my attention on the software. Continuing not to see anomalies in the sketch (Arduino IDE compiled it and sent it without problems), I came to the conclusion that there was a strange management of low fuses, caused by the use of a external crystal (remember this words). So I opened the boards.txt file located in Applications - Arduino - Contents - Java - hardware - arduino - avr for know how it manage fuses.
    So I opened again the AVR fuses calculator, I inserted hex values of Arduino Uno fuses and I saw what happened:

    Hoping to find the truth on the matter I opened the ATmega328P datasheet. I went immediately to page 58 because I thought I was in the situation of an external clock source. Here I found that CKSEL [3:0] fuses must be programmed, so 0000, a situation already so different from the one I started from. Coming back to AVR fuses with these new values, happy that we have found a possible solution to my problem.
    Arrived at this point however, Simone completely disassembled my theory with the simple phrase
    "Look, you don't have external clock sources! You haven't to intend the crystal as an external source: it is an external source when your 328p is connected to other microcontrollers or other sources of calculation. You are in the situation described on page 51. Arduino IDE has not made any mistakes at all, DUMB!".

    OK, Arduino IDE made everything right...but where is the problem???
    Who of you chews on economics or cognitive psychology will have surely heard of the heuristics of availability. It is a situation in which people tend to overestimate unlikely events, which can be summed up in the phrase "if you hear noise of hooves and you're in Italy, are more probabile to be horses, not zebras".
    In this case I thought it was more likely that there were problems with the IDE arc rather than that I had simply misplaced the sketch. There was no conspiracy, no clamorous problem, simply pin PB5 is not the number 9 of the pins of Arduino, but the 13!

    I don't really know why I wrote 9 in my sketch! Probably I read quickly and confused 15 with PB5. DUMB2!
    At least I used it to look at other values in the datasheet of another microcontroller and always to pay attention to each step, as such a trivial error has taken a lot of time away. Finally, uploading a sketch similar to:
    int ledPin = 13;           
    void setup() {                
        pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);   
    void loop() {                   
        digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); 
        digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);  
    I finally realized that my satshakit has no problems with solderinh, with timing and that the cable I built to solve this problem at home during the holidays is also works fine.

    UPDATE 25/05/2018 - Johnny Five

    For my Interface and Application Programming week I used Johnny Five framework. It allows to control boards, their sensors and read data via serial port via JavaScript code. In my case, I used my Satshakit and another board I made for Networking and Communication week, but that I used also for week of interface programming. Having a ATMEGA328P with an external 16Mhz crystal clock, both of them are programmed as Arduino Uno, so I could communicate them using Johnny Five flashing on them Firmata software. You can find more information about Johnny Five, Firmata and my test on This Weekly Assignment Page.

    Useful Links

  • Make AVR programming
  • ITALIAN - I bit “FUSE”