Also for this assignment I decided to focus on what could be useful for the final project. The idea is to use Processing to design the opening and closing interface and control of the drawer.
FINAL P. IDEAthe idea is to build a small interface that allows users to:
Since none of my board works, in order not to waste any more time and try the software I decided to set up a small BETA version using arduino.
I start from test the hallsensor board with arduino and adapt the code, and it's done.
While I was going ahead in development of my final project, considering the communication with the other board, it seemed less useful to realize an interface for opening and closing the chest of drawers.
We thought it would be interesting to have an interface that would help the user in the first installation calibration. The first idea was to build an interface that could be useful for debugging: that made an initial check of the three fundamental parts of the project (switch of drawers, position of servo motor and hall sensor threshold) and that allowed modify the parameters checking immediately the correctness, and then be able to manually correct the code.
I started writing the code and drawing the graphic part of this interface but then I realized it would become all too complex for the result I wanted to achieve.
I expect that this chest of drawers will be assembled together with the global instructor, who will accompany the opening of the new space and form the local instructor. I preferred to concentrate on an instrument that was useful even after the first editing. The other consideration that led me to reduce the complexity of the interface it was that the magnet is perhaps the only variable, compared to the rest of the pieces that are standard. I therefore decided to reduce the interface to the "calibration" of the hall sensor for correct operation. Thinking well how to do it to reduce its complexity, I do not exclude that in a second moment it's interesting to take care of the rest of the setting for first installation.
Interface with first graphic integrated: first button is ok, but the second don't change when arduino send data.