Week 11

input devices

This week assignment is measure something: add a sensor to a microcontroller board that you have designed and read it.In this we have to connect any input device to a micricontroller and then read the values.this will diplayed in the PC using UART communication.Input devices include switches,sensors,joysticks etc.
For this assignment I decided to read the values of a temperature sensor.I used a UART communication method to read the values.First I designed the board with microcontroller,thermister,a resistor,an ftdipins and isp pins and programmed it.After that I read the values of the thermister by showing the values in the serial monitor.

An input device is any hardware device that sends data to a computer, allowing you to interact with and control it.The most commonly used or primary input devices on a computer are the keyboard and mouse. However, there are dozens of other devices that can also be used to input data into the computer.

For this week I used thermister as an input device.Thermistor


Thermistors are one of the most commonly used devices for the measurement of temperature. The thermistors are resistors whose resistance changes with the temperature. While for most of the metals the resistance increases with temperature, the thermistors respond negatively to the temperature and their resistance decreases with the increase in temperature. Since the resistance of thermistors is dependent on the temperature, they can be connected in the electrical circuit to measure the temperature of the body.

The thermistor acts as the temperature sensor and it is placed on the body whose temperature is to be measured. It is also connected in the electric circuit. When the temperature of the body changes, the resistance of the thermistor also changes, which is indicated by the circuit directly as the temperature since resistance is calibrated against the temperature. The thermistor can also be used for some control which is dependent on the temperature.

boards fab lab santiago

Thermometrics Surface Mount Devices (SMD) Series of NTC Thermistors are intended for temperature measurement, control and compensation. They are suitable for standard soldering techniques and availabe in a range of sizes, including 0402, 0603, 0805 and 1206.

design of the board

I design the board in Eagle

boards fab lab santiago boards fab lab santiago

the fab modules of the board

boards fab lab santiago
boards fab lab santiago

components used

1.Attiny 44
2.Ftdi PinHeader
5.2x3 ISP PinHeader

milling the pcb

For milling the pcb,we need to export the trace and cut into monochrome. Then upload it to fab modules and mill it.

the photo of the board

boards fab lab santiago

the programme

I used arduino IDE to develop the programme. boards fab lab santiago

after programming the rsult was this

I tried to measure the temperature.