Laura Cristina Massaglia


Invention, Intellectual Property and Income


    - Develop a plan for dissemination of your final project.
    - Prepare a summary slide and Video Clip in your root directory.

At first I was thinking to use the Creative Commons license (NonComercial):

Which says: “You let others copy, distribute, display, perform, and (unless you have chosen NoDerivatives) modify and use your work for any purpose other than commercially unless they get your permission first".

Then I decided to use The Fab license which says:

"This work may be reproduced, modified, distributed, performed, and displayed for any purpose, but must acknowledge "project name". Copyright is retained and must be preserved. The work is provided as is; no warranty is provided, and users accept all liability."

Essential oil extractor is a project designed By Laura Cristina Massaglia during the Fab Academy 2017, at Fab Lab Facens, Sorocaba-SP Brazil. It is an essential oil extractor which allows the oil to separate by itself. This project can be modified and scaled to any size to fulfill the needs of any project using this design and system. Since the Essential Oil extractor is completely available on the Fab Academy website the need for intellectual property or copyright is not at the moment existent.
Therefore, the project will be covered with a Fab Lab license, under the name of Oil Extractor. The income of this project will come from selling the product/project to chemical labs.

The purpose of this project is to facilitate the essential oil extraction. By now it is only a prototype, so the next steps would be to manufacture the product and test it labs and then get feedback from chemists. After that make changes to the product if necessary. Then find an investor to invest in the product or a company to buy the rights to the product outright.

Video link of final project.

Final thoughts:

I showed the parts in my video that are most important for this project the longest. As you can tell I didn’t show the boiling flask as much as the other parts because, it is a known item in the distillation process to turn the liquid into a gas.

As for the distillation equipment I believe I could or someone who is perfecting my project make the equipment using the 3D printer with material that can withstand the high temperatures of the distillation process. In our fab lab the material that was available to us would not be able to be used for this equipment. The most important thing about this project is the cone which substituting the receiving flask. This makes the process for the oil extraction easier and more efficient because, the receiving flask once filled with your liquid and oil must then be put into a beaker which then you have to wait and extract the oil using a pipette.

In the picture below you can see more about my final project:

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