Laura Cristina Massaglia


Project Management
The assignments for this week were:
    - Build a personal site in the class archive describing you and your final project

Learned how to use GIT:
During the first week, we learned how to use GIT to share our works. Our instructor gave us a tutorial on GIT to help us out.
Here are the fallowing steps:
Step 1 - Create account at
    - Login to and register by clicking "Sign Up" or "Register" on the right side of the top menu.
Step 2 - Register at
    - After completing the registration on go to and click on "Sign in with Fablabs".
    - Login with your username and password on the website.
    - Tell your Fab Academy instructor your username so that he can register as "developer" in the design of your Fab Lab pages.
Step 3 - GitLab Software
    - Access the site
    - Download and install the software according to your operating system.
    - On Windows this download will install 3 versions of the software. Search for "Git Bash"
    - When opening Git Bash, a window with some colored writing will appear. This window is very similar to the
    "command prompt" in Windows. All commands for updating your local repository and your site should be made
Step 4 - Local repository
    - Choose an easily accessible location on your computer to become your local GitLab file repository.
     My suggestion is on the local disk "C:" (for Windows). For MAC, create a folder using the command mkdir
    "name of the file" by the terminal.
    - Create a folder with simple characters and no spaces. My suggestion is "fabacademygit".
Step 5 - Register your SSH Key
    - After your instructor confirms your user name registration (step 2) as "developer" in the repository, log back in at:
    - On the home page click "Profile Settings", then "SSH Keys" and finally open the "generate it" link page:

This page is a tutorial for you to create your SHH Key, which is nothing more than an encrypted password to ensure security in the communication of your computer with GitLab.Follow the steps of the tutorial according to your operating system (Windows, MAC / Linux) to create and copy your SHH Key, which basically are:
    - Check if you already have an SSH key by typing: cat ~ / .ssh /
    - If text appears starting with ssh-rsa you already have an SSH key
    - If you do not have a SSH key a text of  ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "$ your_email" will appear
    - This email is the one of register in and in
    - Type cat ~ / .ssh / to display your SSH Key
    - If you followed the steps correctly, it will give you a text with several letters and strange numbers and without any
      sense, this is your SSHKey.
    - Copy your SSH Key to your site at You can use a command to copy, according to your
    operating system:
    • Windows: clip <~ / .ssh /
    • Mac: pbcopy <~ / .ssh /
    • GNU / Linux (requires xclip): xclip -sel clip <~ / .ssh /
    - Go back to the page and click "Profile Setting" again and then SHH Key.
    - Paste your SSH Key in the indicated place and click on "Add key".
Step 6 - Cloning your repository
    - Once everything is set up, you can clone the repository of your Fab Lab to your computer
      (use the address provided on your FabLab repository page in GitLab).
    - Using GitBash (step 3) find your local repository folder (step 4). Use the command "cd 'folder_name'" to open a
      local disk or the created folder. For example, for the suggestions I gave the commands would be:

    - Use the git clone command fabacademy2017 / <your_fablab> .git to clone the existing
    virtual repository.
    Remember to change <your_fablab> with the name of your FabLab that you can find in the GitLab page.

    - Verify that it worked by going to your local repository folder through your operating system (i.e. Windows Explorer).
      If the <your_fablab> folder is there, then it worked.
Step 7 - Where should I upload my stuff?
    - If you look in the pages of students
      you will see that each student already has a folder reserved in the repository as:
      <your_fablab> / students / <your_id>
     For example here is my number and page:
    - Look on the student pages and identify their number, or ask your local instructor.
Step 8 - Create a simple homepage
    - The start pages on a web server should have index.html file name
    - Windows Notepad serves as a simple HTML editor. You can create an initial file with just a few commands.
      Below is a template for you to do a test of updating your page in the repository and see it working on the internet.

    - Edit the code above by customizing your name, the name of your image and its description.
    - Find the folder of your local repository (step 4).
      If you followed the recommendations you will be in C: / fabacademygit /<your_fablab> / students / <your_id>
    - Save your notepad file to this folder. Remember to change the save option to "all files" and put the name as
    - Within the <your_id> folder, create a folder called "images". Enter this folder and paste any image with a name you
      chose for your image.
Step 9 - Updating Your Site: The Git Mantra
    - If you did everything right in step 6, when you open Git Bash and access the <your_fablab> folder using the
      cd <folder_name> command you will see the word (master) at the top of each line in Git Bash.
    - Verify that Git recognizes the modifications you made using the git status command.
    - Status command will show you a message with some instructions to do. In general after adding, deleting or
      modifying a file in
the local repository, you will want to send it to the virtual repository, however you need to
      make it clear to Git. Before doing so,you need to copy course colleagues on their pages.
    - At this point type the command: git pull. This command "pulls" all files from the virtual repository on the internet,
     updating your local repository
    - Then type the command git add * and this will add the files shown previously when you ran the git status command
      to the local repository.
    - If you are certain of these modifications, you should commit to them and advise your team that you have made
     some modifications on the server. To do this use the command:
     git commit -m "your message"
    - At this point you have committed, but have not yet uploaded the files to the remote repository. Still in Git Bash,
     enter the git push command to "push" the files you have modified to the server.
    - These commands form the GIT mantra: PULL ADD COMMIT PUSH
Step 10 - Checking Your Page
    - If you did everything right, check out by accessing the web page.
    - Go to and look for your FabLab and then your
    - Click on your name
    - If your page opens and the image and its description appear, then you have done everything right.

I didn't know much about html so, I decided to start my website on WordPress. Then my instructor told me that it wasn't a good idea because, the html could change a lot when I push on GIT. He told me about KompoZer which, is a complete web authoring system that combines web file management and easy-to-use WYSIWYG web page editing. Instantly I realized that it would be the best way to create my website.

Here is an image of what KompoZer looks like when you first open it:

If you are a beginner you should use the table tool to make your website, but if you are more experienced, you should use CSS. If you are using the table tool, you are going to figure out that you basically do everything through tables. To starting making the page, I went to “Table>Select 1x1>. Then I right clicked inside one of the tables and then selected enter in the keyboard> Table> 1x4> wrote (I did this step five times: HOME, ABOUT ME, ASSIGNMENTS, FINAL PROJECT). Essentially, I just created a table inside of another table as seen below.

Then I wanted to make the HOME, ABOUT ME, ASSIGNMENTS, FINAL PROJECT cells the same size. I right clicked on the table and then selected “Table Cell Proprieties> Cells (change the width to 25 %of the table).
You need to do these steps one by one for each cell. First I clicked on ABOUT ME, then HOME.

I have my four cells now with the same 241px width as seen below:

Now I wanted to put the table in the middle of the screen. Right click again on the main cell you click with the right side of your mouse and then select Table>Table alignment> select center> width put 80 %of the table> apply>ok.

Then I wanted to save the work that I did. Click on Save, then a window is going to ask for the page title as your fab academy directory number. Then chose index. Make sure you save in the correct file, in this case I saved as 265. Then you can see if your page is working. Go to the file where you saved it and open the file.

My page is already online. I wanted to insert a picture (Fab Academy logo). I went to Insert> Image>choose file> click on don’t use alternative text> ok.

I now wanted to put my name at the top of the website, near the logo, so I created a table 1x2 and I put the logo in one cell and my name in the other.

After that I wanted to change the background color:

format>pages colors and background>

You can download the image you wish to use from the internet. Make sure you save the image in the file that all your website stuff goes in. First I changed the outside color by clicking out of the table Format> Page colors and then background> choose your file. I left the inside white for now.

I then wanted to remove the lines between the names. I first right clicked > Table cell proprieties> table> change Border from 1 to 0> apply>ok. I also changed the brightness of the white in color background. So it was easier to look at. I clicked save and then I opened webpage in safari.

Here is what it looks like:

I then wanted to create links for the HOME, ABOUT ME, ASSIGNMENTS, FINAL PROJECT tabs. I clicked on HOME (for example), go to link on the bottom of the page, then I wrote index.html. I did it for all four tabs.

Note: Don’t forget to put .html!. It will not make the link if you do not.

Here below is a picture of my first commands using KompoZer:

The web page isn't complete yet, but I am going to finish it during this course. Also, here are three very good and in-depth tutorials I read and watched to learn more about KompoZer:

Design sketches:

During this week I came up with a sketch for my final project based off of the designs from the previous week as you can see below.

My hope is that I will finish this course and the final project before the deadline. There are a lot of weeks and I need to be on top of this project at all times or I can see myself falling behind. Also that the project works perfectly by the end.

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