My Name is Yousef. I'm communication and control systems engineer, graduated in 2015. I've been working for National Talents Co. since 2016 in designing, building and operating youth interactive programs such as FABLABs and Makerspaces
Getting started with Gitlab using windows 10 (pushing, pulling, and editing)
I've been working for a company since 2016. We installed and operated more than 100 labs in addition to summer programs. We face many issues in shipping the tools from/to our storage to our labs. Sometimes we shiped somthing wrongly and sometimes the shipment is incomplete by mistik. I would like to build a robot to move through known paths and sort the boxes by identifiing the colors. The main objectives will be to identify the number of boxes in the storage and how many boxes needed in each shipment. We already know what each box contains, so based on that we can determaine the number of boxes from each color for each shipment