Somewhere, somewhat there should be a sparkle, a starting point .... this is mine:
Sorry, italian language."need suggestion for a translator? :-). "DIY has always been a passion .... but my equipment was limited and "traditional".
When my friend Nicola started to build his boat in my garden, for the first time in my life I saw a CNC work: All the marine ply bulkheads and reinforcement were made with a big CNC router. I thought: "hey, should be great to have one, imagine how many things I could do".
In short :-) three years later I had my self-built big router (the MechMate) in my garage ... not a DIYer anymore but a real Maker ! :-)
I like to build machines that help me in my daily work (woodworking ... but I was a professional photographer few years ago).One of the woodworking tools I use most is a table router, it help me to finish many of the work I do with the big CNC router: cut away "tabs", make some joints, round borders ... ecc. So my project is to build the best possible router table using the modern technology, let's say a mini professional electronic controlled wood shaper.It will have electronic controlled height and depth (arduino and steppers), with zero function, and manual angle selection, a brushless motor with electronic speed controller and an oscillating spindle sander optional function.
Hardware and software will be released as open-source after a kickstart campaign, mechanical kits will be supplied to interested people.
link to: My Final Project
and more on:project development