Fab Academy 2015 Tutorials

This is a Mercurial archive of the tutorials for the Fab Academy. Please clone it from ssh://fabacademy.org/archives/2015/doc/, add new tutorials and edit existing ones. There's a Template file you can download and use as a starting point. If you have suggestions or have a tutorial you'd like us to add, please email shawn@as220.org.

The styles are in the file tutorial-styles.css. If you add a tutorial, just put it in the top level directory, and put all your images in the images directory. you can change the background by pointing the background-image:url() style in the header at a different image.

Week 1: Principles & Practices, Project Management

Mercurial Basics and Resources

More Mercurial notes from lecture

Installing Mercurial on the Mac

Installing Mercurial on the Mac: Providence Fab Lab-specific instructions

Installing Mercurial on Unix (Mac/Linux/Cygwin): Amsterdam Fab Lab-specific instructions

Installing Mercurial Ubuntu

Mercurial Troubleshooting

Installing Mercurial on Windows using Cygwin

Illegal characters in Mercurial

Resources for learning HTML+CSS

Sync multiple repositories

A template for Fab Academy websites

Week 2: Computer Aided Design

Fab Modules (HTML5) setup

2D Design Tools: Inkscape

3D CAD: 3D Modeling Tools for Beginners

2D+3D softwares: Gimp, Inkscape, Draftsight, QCAD, Blender, FreeCAD, Rhinoceros

Matt Keeter's guide to Antimony

Antimony Tabs

Antimony UI Drag Function Example

Parametric Modeling of a Box Beam in Antimony

Week 3: Computer-Controlled Cutting

Vinyl Cutter

Laser Cutter

Corel Draw and the Laser

Press-Fit Construction Tips

Laser Cutting lecture

Week 4: Electronics Production

Using the Modela to Mill PCBs

Fab ISP: Electronics Production

Fab ISP: Programming

Fab ISP Parts Layout (20MHz crystal)

Fab ISP Parts Layout (20MHz resonator)

Fab ISP Key Parts Layout (from Andy Bardagjy): This is to accompany Andy Bardagjy's version in "USB key" form from http://fab.cba.mit.edu/content/projects/fabispkey/index.html. Use version 2.3!

FabTinyIsp: yet another fabable ISP that has more features, and a smaller chip.

Attiny44A Fuses

Use an Arduino UNO as an ISP to program your first FabISP

Making PCBs with a CO2/Fiber laser cutter (Trotec)

Week 5: 3D scanning and printing

3D Printing and 3D Scanning lecture

3D Scanning

3D Printing

Week 6: Electronics Design

Introduction to EAGLE

Sparkfun's EAGLE tutorial: Schematic

Sparkfun's EAGLE tutorial: Board

Free simulation tools from MITx

Why did we put a 20MHz crystal on the Hello FTDI?

Week 7: Embedded Programming

Introduction to Make and Makefiles

Week 8: Computer-controlled machining

Lecture about CNC Milling

Week 9: Molding and Casting

Lecture about Molding and Casting

Week 10: Input Devices

A newer Fabkit (an Arduino-compatible board) with BOM and files for manufacturing)

Week 13: Networking and communications

ESP8266 Introduction

Week 14: Interface Programming

A simple serial stub patch for Pure Data

A simple serial stub sketch for Processing

Introduction to Python

Reading serial data with Python

Introduction to wxPython, and reading and drawing serial data with wxPython

Reading serial data with Kivy (Python)

Python Web-based Serial Console using WebSockets

Week 16: Machine Building

Getting Started With Gestalt Nodes

A tested example using 3 nodes

Gestalt documentation, from the code

wxGestalt: a wxPython IDE for configuring Gestalt machines

Bonus: Visualization

Repository visualization with Gource

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