Wrong lbr file will not able to import in the Eagle
In the beginning, I download the lbr file from someone page archive but can't import to Eagle.
Finally, I find the correct fab.lgr from Github and successfully import to The Eagle.
Connect compoment fail and the 'name' command
I am trying to connect the wire using 'Net' command but after I create two wire and trying to connect each other, this error message showing up.
after some google search, I use 'name' command to connect the wire successfully.
replace the resonator component
After I connect all the component. Ted noticed me that fablab taipei doesn't have the resonator I use.
So, after some digging in attiny44 data sheet, I replace the resonator with 1 crystal and 2 18pf capacitor.
make it!
hide some layer and export the png file from the Eagle.
Turning to black and white with Gimp
draw the cutting frame in the Gimp.
pick the correct component is another problem and I had stock in the 1uF capacitor. Ted told me that need to check the Code table and finally I finish the work.