Functional Description

Let this text be in relation with nature.

A situation one can imagine to reciprocate would be 'a person shouting for another from a far distance' One can listen to something, but can not understand who is shouting or what is being said. At times it becomes noisy, irrespective of whether one is calling for help!

According to some people in my loop, experiencing hearing impairedness, this is what could be the closest example, of what they deal with everyday.

Eventually, I have understood that it is not possible to fully appriciate the ease/unease one faces, when she/he has hearing impairedness. However, that does not mean, it is impossible to be of some help.

So, tracing back to the example above. In such a case to listen to the person, there could broadly two ways:
1) Reduce the distance between the people
2) Add a third man and may be some more at various distnaces, and they would just repeat, bringing the message closer and closer.

Ofcourse, a real life situation may not provide such privileges. But then, for the central problem we are talking about, the logistics of situation are simpler than the scenario in the example.

So, in practice, we actually always implement the First way. It is so natural to us! We would usually see family members and friends talking to an impaired loved-one, physically from a close distance. Even for the second way, it is common to see that guests talk to the imapaired ones with the help of other family members... It involves both the need of the time and ALSO a matter of dignity.

So it is all natural.

The proposed solution follows this simple real-life scenario. Situation is - A certain person is unable to hear normal intensity of sound. And Objective is to provide aids/assistance to the person in this situation.


...Yet to add...



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