Hi, my name is Rein den Hengst. I'm a bachelor of Economics and have been working and specializing in event production and management for the last five years. I've handled productions up to twenty five thousand people and specialize in town square events. Years ago I started producing props and decor for my own Halloween themed birthday and it has since grown from a couple of simple props to full size decorations. With Fab Academy I hope to be able to learn new techniques and how to combine them into beautiful pieces of art.
For my design I looked at what I wanted to make and what I would like to learn making it. I've been toying around with the idea for a vacuum form press. It enables the user to easily copy a production mold in lightweight and durable plastics. (Styrene, ABS, etc). The machine incorporates a wooden skeleton, isolation, heating elements, sensors, compressor/ vacuumpump, dials, buttons etc.