Meeting my Moriarty. Electronics have not been my speciality. Thats why I have spent a good deal of time studying electronics this week. Electronics for dummies has actually been on my bedside every night this week.I aimed for changing the circuit, without alter itīs size and managed to do so by moving the USB towards the right edge and remove the logo in the upper left corner. Exellent or Elementary? That is the question my dear Watson.
Stack-a-bot is a robotic arm intentioned for photographing body parts in order to make precise 3D models for producing prosthetic splints. In this photographic version the arm will have four degrees of freedom. This photographic arm can also be used for making 3D models of unique items for example for those that sell antiquities on Ebay. The stack-ability of the arm and the versatile usage of the joints in the arm will probably open for other usages of the arm where extreme precision is not needed. This stackable robotic arm can also be used for teaching robotics and programming of robots for beginners.
Project manager at Innovation Center Iceland
Co-manager of the Fab Lab in Saudarkrokur, Iceland
More information; click on my photo