Interface and Application Programming



  • In the Interface and application programming I have to write the code using different languages so my hardware will interact to the System/computer.

  • I am using FTDI button+LED board that i had designed in assignment number six, and here i need to use FTDI port to USB cable so i can communicate to my laptop. Here i am following neils program help me to generate echo message from the FTDI board that designed in assignment no.6


  • FTDI botton LED board has 6 pin connector to communicate with computer attiny microcontroller pin no. 12 ans pin no. 13 is labled as RX and TX and connected to the Serial connector.I took FTDI USB adapter to interface my LED+BUTTON board to my PC and AVR programmer is connected to the other USB of PC
  • Figure.1


  • Above figure show the connection that i made for ftdi and actual setup as shown below.I downloaded files given by the neil. I am trying to send each character then it will show echo(reapeat) that character on the output screen.Following things need to prepare.
  • Materials and Tools

    Get the Software

    ATtiny 44A Microcontroller Pin-Outs

    Installing ATtiny support in Arduino

    Power and Connect the Boards

    Configuring the ATtiny to run at 20 MHz

    Select your Programmer

    If You are Using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (how to run avrdude as sudo from Arduino IDE)

    Burn the Bootloader (All Operating Systems)

    Program the ATtiny

    Code Example

    Try Modifing the Code

    Supported Arduino Commands / Limitations

    Next - Program Your Board in C to Echo Keyboard Input

  • In following picture at left side there is FTDI USB adapter and in the middle LED+Botton Board and at right side AVR programmer with proper connection setup between the boards as per requirements
  • Figure.2


  • I have to connect fADI adapter to my LED+button board to communicate and again from the same board made connection for programmer so i can upload program on attiny in order to interface the board to the PC.Need to solder other Resonator of 20 MHz.In the terminal executed the following instruction
  • make -f hello.ftdi.44.echo.c



  • sudo make -f hello.ftdi.44.echo.c.make program-usbtiny-fuses
  • Figure.4


  • sudo make -f hello.ftdi.44.echo.c.make program-usbtiny
  • Figure.5


  • Execution continues
  • Figure.6


  • After executing above command the program of ftdi echo will upload on the attiny44 microcontroller board.and to see the respose of the echo program we need to open arduino serial monitor here u can type any character on keyboard and it will store that character and in response will repeat on the serial monitor with proper baudrate.My crystal is 1 MHz so its showing garbage response on serial monitor will have to change the rasonator of 20 MHz
  • Figure.7


  • Changed the crystal 20 MHz and then uploaded the same program.And yahoooo I got the result my FTDI board echo ing the output on serial monitor.



    Video Link



    C program

    Make file

    hex file

    .asm program