In india because of increasing demand of power, there are power cuts in rural area.Many villagers in india lives without reliable power sully.Pedalpower id transfer of energy from human source through the use of foot padel and chain drive.Following image is just a starting imagination to start with.
I am going to use the conventional stone for grinding the grains.Conventional wheels, which is very small in size approx 6 inch Diameter, one wheel will be fixed wheel and other will be rotating on the shaft.Following figure shows conventional emery stone.
I am planing to make one emery stone fixed and other will be rotating, And need pressfit designed Shaft key keyway. Used turning, milling Keyway and boaring processes to make the proper shaft for rotating conventional stone. also made arrangement of sproket gear on the shaft. and hopper is also connected to either side.Mount this assembly on the carrier of the bycycle.
Need Electronics input output device to check the hopper is empty. In case there hopper is emply ot will trigger the buzzer, if grains are present then we need to sense the presence of grains in hopper.
Following figure shows the schematic of the buzzer and the obstacle sensor to sence the clear way of obstacle.if it found no obstacle it will triggera buzzer for the person who is cycling with padel.
Inially i uploaded the obstacle sensor program on the microcontroller IR and PD is used when there is no obstacle in the hopper itshould trigger a buzzer.folllowing figure shows the buzzer and Infrared LED and Photodiode.this circuit i am going to fix on the hopper so the extended wires of IR and PD will face each other to sence obtacle.
As i shown in above video grains from the hopper is going down in between two stones(Concave emery stone) and as the person is padeling with energy he can drive the chain which is connected to the either side of the cycle.both free hweel sprocket should lock in the same direction so arrangement is made in the same way so while cycling other freewheel sprocket will drive Carrier Flour mill attachment.