Anna Aflalo

Fab Academy 2015 | Wgtn

WEEK 15 | Applications & Implications

- CoLabyrinth, a kids game that teaches collaborative problem solving -
How does it work?
- Create a team of 2 to 4 players,
- Place the steel marble at the starting point of the maze,
- Swing the table in order to bring the marble to the center.

Kids will need to communicate and trust each other in order to succeed.

A lighting path will reinforce the interaction. LEDs and sensors will be spread all over the labyrinth. A red light will move over the maze. If the marble rolls over the red light, the LED string will make a special animation and switch off: GAME OVER.

For further information, visit the Final Project page.

Who's done what beforehand?
Game interaction: Marbolous table by Richelle E. Goodrich: "For adults an exceptional piece of furniture, for children a playground",
Social interaction: a social table that requires to collaborate to be able to eat on it.
Electronic interaction Conductive by Daan Spanjers: a table with conductive threads of copper on the top.

What materials and components will be required? Where will they come from? How much will it cost?
Name Quantity Price From
Poplar wood (1200x2400x12mm) 1 $100 NZD Plytech, Auckland
WS2812S 5050 RGB LED 40 $18 USD Adafruit, US
0.1uF capacitor 50 $17.50 NZD Fab Lab Wgtn
499Ω resistor 50 $1 NZD Fab Lab Wgtn
0Ω resistor 50 $0.50 NZD Fab Lab Wgtn
10kΩ resistor 20 $0.40 NZD Fab Lab Wgtn
Green LED 1 $0.45 NZD Fab Lab Wgtn
ATMega328P 1 $7.21 NZD Fab Lab Wgtn
Resonator 20MHz 1 $1.28 NZD Fab Lab Wgtn
Switch tact SMD 1 $2.22 NZD Fab Lab Wgtn
Battery Holder 1 $3.80 NZD Fab Lab Wgtn
9V Battery 1 $1.56 NZD Fab Lab Wgtn
Hook-up wire 25m $5.90 NZD Jaycar, NZ
Copper wire 2.5m $27.80 NZD Jaycar, NZ
PCB single circuit board 2 $4.20 NZD Fab Lab Wgtn
Delivery fee - estimation - $50 NZD -
Total - $248.65 NZD -

What parts and systems will be made?
The wood table
The WS2012 LEDs strip: 36 boards & wiring
The copper switches & the matrix wiring
Acrylic finishing touches

What processes will be used?
2D Modeling of the table on Illustrator
Milling the table on the Shopbot
Electronic design: LEDs strip & Babeduino
Electronic production: switches matrix & LED boards
Electronic programming: the new version of Pacman on Arduino
2D modeling and laser cutting the acrylic finishing pieces

What tasks need to be completed?
Finalize the design of the Babeduino as a battery mount
Mill and solder the final version of our Babeduino
Find a way to drill holes (1mm diameter) for the copper switches
Test the LED board press-fits on a piece of wood (try different sizes and depths)
Make light tests
Machine the table
Mill and solder the 36 LED boards
Flatten and cut the copper rod to make the "switches"
Solder the LEDs string wires and the matrix switches wires
Make the "Pacman" program on Arduino
Design and laser cut the acrylic pieces

What questions need to be answered?
How to drill the 1mm holes for the switches on the table?
Are the acrylic pieces in the "LED holes" the best option for the lighting path?
What about the power supply?
Will the soldering on the copper rod be strong enough?

What is the schedule?
Week 17: Last corrections
Finish Babeduino
Mill, solder & test two LED boards
Make the last Shopbot tests and the acrylic test
Answer all the questions below!

Week 18: Production week
Mill the table
Make the 36 led boards
Make the 47 switches

Week 19: Programming week
Finalize the program: use input and output devices weeks
Laser cut the acrylic
Test the project and take pictures with the HVS Fab Lab Crew

How will it be evaluated?
Watching kids having fun and open up to each other.
I would also be glad if the electronics work the way I want them to! This is the biggest challenge.