Automated Tape Dispenser

The Automated Tape Dispenser is a small machine used to facilitate the process of arts, handcrafts, and making. Makers, artists, or anyone who uses the tape face problems when it come to cutting a specific length of tape to fix something in hand. The Tape Dispenser can cut the desired part, and prepare it for the user to take it using only two fingers.




Using SketchBookExpress

After sketching the first draft of the final project idea, many ideas for the mechanisms have came through my mind. After rethinking the mechanism, i started 2D designing the idea on AutoCAD.



Using AutoCad & Sketch Up

The second draft is basically trying out another mechanical idea through 3D design.

AutoCad3D design



After rethinking the mechanism of the tape dispenser, I developed another draft of the design and mechanism.

In the second draft, I thought, what would pull the tape out?

A motor; so what is going to hold the tape and pull it out?

So after thinking and brainstorming, the idea of the second draft is the make rollers that roll pulling the tape out and guid the tape to the cutter to be cut off.

After sketching, re-sketching, 2D designing, and 3D designing, this is what I came up with..


For more information on the design phase please visit the Design Phase in the final project page.



Main design_mechanical 3D

2D drums & gears

2D body