suit WELCOME TO MY logo WEEK 20


Project Development

Hi pals?... welcome again to another Project-oriented week.. this week is on Project Development whereby we`re require to showcase and document all the current progress :
Ok as per this moment I`m almost done with the circuitry work specifically the clock model...
I also did several designs in Rhino pertaking the physical structure:
Here are the links to my original design files:..

>>> Download My original C codes for the clockas per the project

>>> Download My original make files for the clock generated in ATMEL STUDIOas per the project

>>> Download My original hex files for the clockas per the project

>>> Download My original project body structure in PDFas per the project

>>> Download My original shopbot console files..sbp for structureas per the project

>>> Download My original shopbot DXF files for structureas per the project

>>> Download My original Partworks files for structureas per the project

Alright this is how I designed my structure using shopbot...After you've downloaded the files you can go ahead and try it out:
I fabricated all my physical structures in the lab and using woodglue held together the parts and let them dry for 6hrs..I used wood in my design so as to be really economical when reproducing the same design locally..and also the availability was a key aspect..

Also as you can see the clock design and placement:...
I designed the clock using Atmel studio in conjuction with Proteus. I used C to program the Atmega32 and partial arduino in the Atmega328..The outer LEDs were representing Hours,,2nd Layer represented Minutes and Inner layer depicted Seconds...I specifically chose Charlieplexing due to the mathematical nature it employs in its functionalities.. As for the clock design I used CorelDraw and InkScape to draw and render then went ahead to fabricate using the Laser Engraver in cutting and placing the holes for the LEDS as shown below..
The code I used for the minimal lighting is as below:
* atmega88_clock.c
* Created: 12/06/2015 15:50:31
* Author: Nabiswa Aquinas
#define F_CPU 8000000UL
//9 Second leds are connected to PB0-PB7 and PD0

int second=0;
int minute=0;
int hour=0;
int timer=0;

void addSecond(){
/*There are 9 pins which are charlieplexed to drive 60 leds.
int secPos1=second/8;
int secPos2=second%8;
if(secPos2 >= secPos1) secPos2++;

//Set all pins in High impedance state

DDRB|=(1< if(secPos2==8) DDRD|=(1<<0);

PORTB&=~(1< if(secPos2==8) PORTD&=~(1<<0);

if(second==60) {

void addMinute(){
int minPos1=minute/8;
int minPos2=minute%8;
if(minPos2 >= minPos1) minPos2++;

//Set all pins in High impedance state

DDRA|=(1< if(minPos2==8) DDRC|=(1<<0);

PORTA&=~(1< if(minPos2==8) PORTC&=~(1<<0);


void addHour(){
int hrPos1=hour/3;
int hrPos2=hour%3;

if(hrPos2 >= hrPos1) hrPos2++;


//Set all pins in High impedance state
PORTD&=~(1< //_delay_ms(100);
if(hour==12) hour=0;



int main(void)
//TCCR0|=(1< //TIMSK|=(1<
TCCR1B|=(1< TIMSK|=(1<
//activate Timer

//TODO:: Please write your application code

Initially I had projected an extensive coverage in such a manner that it would enforce varios Input and Output also Networking and communication devices but I encountered several setbacks in the process..
Ok that`s just the frame work in a shadow my main piece of work was meant to enforce several key areas covered in the curriculum as such Input & Output devices, Networking & Communication, Embedded Programming, Electronics Design & Production also Computer-Controlled Cutting and Computer-Controlled Machining were all represented hence I would consider my time a worthwhile in the Academy..
Considering My Project is meant to fully and duly interact with the environment I had to make sure and a quite a tussle in ensuring most of the week`s application are used...So in one way or another every week has been represented in its own way..
Since my circuitry involved motor I had to find a suitable way of smooth and efficient movement hence a H-bridge,,I had SMD version in mind but it took quite of my time so I decided to fabricate manually..
download links for files:...

>>> Download file here

>>> Download file here

So while I was designing I encountered a lot of errors which was a great experience and practice on my part...
I designed a physical design on breadboards so as to mimic normal operations after final design...and here are the various captions I documented during the venture...

I would like to state the virtualisation was successful so I had the courage to pertake the real thing when time comes..
Several other angles showing the best definition of how my project will look-like after I`m done..and as you can see the H-bridge i created interfacing the DC motor with switching from 12v to smooth 9v

Ok I`ll make sure I update on the remaining task meanwhile I`m struggling also to recall and reinforce previous weeks assignments so as to finish my project with ease..