System Integration
Updated for 2025 evaluation standards!
- Design and document the system integration for your final project
Learning outcomes
- Define and apply system integration to your final project
Have you answered these questions?
- implemented methods of packaging?
- designed your final project to look like a finished product?
- documented system integration of your final project?
- linked to your system integration documentation from your final project page?
What does "implemented methods of packaging" mean?
Answer: PCB's are mounted, wires are soldered or connected with proper headers and/or connectors and neatly laid out and every part has it's dedicated place
What does "look like a finished product" mean?
Answer: Your final project should be more than a simple laser cut box.
I'm still working on my final project, how can I demonstrate system integration?
Answer: System integration will be evaluated together with your final project documentation. You should document the steps you have taken within your final project to ensure system integration here.
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