
Group Assignment

  1. Compare the toolchains and development workflows for available embedded architectures.

Individual Assignment

  1. Browse through the data sheet for your microcontroller.
  2. Write a program for a microcontroller, and simulate its operation.

Compare toolchains and development workflows

comparative microprocessors

We chose to compare the ESP32-C3 processor in XIAO ESP32-C3 from Seeedspeed and RP2040 from Raspberry Pi because they were microcontrollers we had in the laboratory.



ESP32-C3 family is an ultra-low-power MCU-based SoC solution that supports 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi and Bluetooth®Low Energy (Bluetooth LE). It has 25 pins for digital and analog outputs.

Raspberry Pi RP2040


RP2040 has a dual M0+ processor cores, DMA, internal memory and peripheral blocks connected via AHB/APB bus fabric. It has 11 pins for digital outputs and 4 for analog.

ESP32-C3 Data Sheet
Raspberry Pi RP2040 Data Sheet

FIRST, what do you mean by Embedded Programming?
What is a microcontroller and a processor?

I did have experience once (5 years ago), programming a car with sensors. However I did it in a basic course with arduino where we just got to understand the programming codes.

What is Embedded Programming?


As always I had to make my own graphic to understand the steps. I got to understand embedded programming reffers to programming systems that are not computers but what its inside. And there are embedded systems to programm to make certain things. And it has components in which you have microcontrollers.

The microcontrollers work with a processor inside. I got to test the XIAO ESP32-C3. This is a development board made by Seeedstudio based in the ESP32-C3 microprocessor and works with Arduino with the language C++.

XIAO ESP32 -C3 d a t a s h e e t

To start the programming, we had to search the datasheet of the microcontroller we want to use, to understand how many ports and which are analog and digital. In this case the Seeedspeed Datasheet helped me to understand how many pins can connect to analog and digital. Uderstanding analog means variable results while digital 1 or 0.


Then I also shearched for the Seedstudio data sheet whereI culd understand easier what pin works for what.

Seedstudio XIAO ESP32-C3 Data Sheet

w r i t t i n g a program for the XIAO ESP32-C3

First, my instructors gave us an intro in programming while making a simulation in Wokwi.

Some important notes I took:
  • Start with definition. It is important to tell in which pin you will be working and don't forget that numers and capital letters do matter.
  • High is for ON and low for OFF
  • Serial communication is optional to see the variables
  • The protoboard works in two parts. The center in which the continuity is vertical. And the borders where the continuity is horizontal.

  • Then they gave us two boards to work with. One digital and one analog.
    To first try and understand the programming.


    Simulating and testing

    TASK 1: Turn on the led and by 1 second turn off.

    WOKWI Simulation
    const int LED1 = D02 // PIN where is the LED
    void setup() {
      pinMode(LED1, OUTPUT);
    void loop() {
      digitalWrite(LED1, HIGH); // Turn on LED
      delay(1000); // wait 1 second  
      digitalWrite(LED1, LOW); // Turn off LED
      delay(1000); // wait 1 second  

    Task 1 video

    TASK 2: Turn off the led by a button. (It was the opposite but i wanted to try)

    WOKWI Simulation
    const int LED1 = D0; const int BOTON2 = D1; void setup() { pinMode(LED1, OUTPUT); pinMode(BOTON2, INPUT); } void loop() { int buttonState = digitalRead(BOTON2); // Read button state if (buttonState == HIGH) { // if pressing the button digitalWrite(LED1, LOW); // turns off LED } else { // if not (LED1, HIGH); // turns on LED } }
    Task 2 video

    TASK 3: Turn on and off by 1 second 3 leds.

    WOKWI Simulation
    Task 2 video
    const int LED1 = D0;
    const int LED2 = D1;
    const int LED3 = D2;
    void setup() {
      pinMode(LED1, OUTPUT); 
      pinMode(LED2, OUTPUT); 
      pinMode(LED3, OUTPUT); 
    void loop() {
      digitalWrite(LED1, HIGH); // turns on LED 1
      delay(1000); // wait 1 sec
      digitalWrite(LED1, LOW); // turns off LED 1
      digitalWrite(LED2, HIGH); // turns on LED 2
      delay(1000); // wait 1 sec
      digitalWrite(LED2, LOW); // turns off LED 2
      digitalWrite(LED3, HIGH); // turns on el LED 3
      delay(1000); // wait 1 sec
      digitalWrite(LED3, LOW); // Aturns off LED 3

    TASK 4: Try the analog board with the light intensity.

    Serial monitor showing the light intensity.
    Feel free to play both videos at the
    same time
    (they were recorded at the same time).
     const int sensorPin = A0;
    void setup() {
      Serial.begin(115200);   // Initialize serial communication to see data on the serial monitor
    void loop() {
      int sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin); // Read the analog value from the light sensor
      float voltage = sensorValue * (3.3 / 4095.0);  // Convert the analog value to voltage (range is 0 to 3.3V)
      Serial.print("Sensor Value: ");

    Sensor iteraction with light.