2. Computer Aided Design


Tinkercad sign in page

Second week, we covered the basic introduction to Computer Aided Design (CAD) and diffierent softwares used. We have also seen paid and free (open sources) software as well as online and offline tools. The choice depends mainly on the application and accessibility.

3D Design


Tinkercad is a free, web-based (meaning it works online) 3D modeling tool desigined mainly for beginners. It was developed by Autodesk. It is mainly suitable for someone starting 3D design (beginners). It is one of the best tools to start with due to its simplicity.

Key features/benefits of Tinkercad:

TinkerCAD logo

To use to Tinkercad, I created account on Tinkercad website. If you already have an Autdesk account, choose log instead as helighlighted on the image below.

TinkerCAD logo

Next step, I chose educator as highlighted. I you choose students, it will prompt you to fill class code. There will be a time you will find option of maker as well. You can choose it as well. It works the same way as eductor. The only difference is the setting options available afterwards.

Tinkercad sign in page

After filling all the necessary information, Autodesk sent me One-time passcode. Depending on the location, you may need to switch between receiving the pass code on email or phone number. Mine, it was set (by default) on sms. I waited for around five minutes without receiving the code. Afterwards, I switched to email. And I receid the code instantlyimmediately.

Tinkercad sign in page

Tinkercad blank page

Tinkercad sign in page Tinkercad sign in page

Next process, I started designing some objects. To start designing, under the basic shape (as helighlighted), drag and drop the object in workplane area

Tinkercad sign in page

I started with cube as base object.

Tinkercad sign in page

Documentation continuing!!!

My sample design, DRWAWING A TABLE

Step 1: I scaled the cube to approximate spaces and size. At this stage, it is also a google practice to name the file with relative name (as helighlighted below) so as to facilitate file search.

To scale an object, hold and drag scales handles in disired direction (x,y and z axis). You can even type number (dimension) for precise design.

Tinkercad sign in page

Next step, I created legs. Starting with one leg, I imported second cube and scalled accordingly. I also changed the color of each object. To do, I selected color(s) from presets.

Tinkercad sign in page

Next step; I positioned the leg in oe corner and douplicated it to make copies. To move an object in tinkercad, hold and drag the object.

To move an object in one axis, while draging, hold shift. the object movement will be locked in an approximate axis.

Tinkercad sign in page

To duplicate the leg, I used mirror function. Selece desired abject and select mirror icon as highlighted below. Afterwards I combined the two objects using combine tool to so that they can be moved as singe object. This will help for mirrowing on the second axis.

Note: Combine tool will be active only if multiple objects are selected.

Tinkercad sign in page

Lastly, I rearranged the objects as intended. To move the table top at top as it should be.

To make a hole, I imported a cylinder and scaled accordingly. To increase or change sresoulution, I creanked side value. Additionally, I changed cylinder from solid body to hole or cutting object. This make it possible to act as cutting object.

Tinkercad sign in page

Lastly, I used combine tool to approve the cut. When you combine a cutting object (comverted to hole) with a solid object, the cut is approved permanently.

Tinkercad sign in page

Last, I imported (from library) some objects. Cup,.. . Firslty, switch from basic shape to

Tinkercad sign in page

Last, I imported (from library) some objects. Cup,.. . Firslty, switch from basic shape to

Tinkercad sign in page

Select More Shapes to load more objects.

Tinkercad sign in page

Next, is to export the file. For 3D prinitn, chose stl format. Export one object at time.

Tinkercad sign in page Tinkercad sign in page


Tinkercad sign in page

Blender is an open-source and free software used for 3D modeling, sculpting, texturing, rigging and animation, rendering and video editing. In addtion, it is also used for video game development, visual effects, and even 3D printing. Among most of its striking features, blender supports: (benefits of blender are:)

Blender is one of the most popular 3D creation software due to its active community, frequent updates and the possibility to extend or automate tasks with Python scripts.

Dounloading Blender Software

First thing first, blender us free and open source whether it is personal or commercial use. I got is from from blender website.


Blender works offline. After downloading and installation, I started right away by designing the projects.


When opening Blender for the first time, some default objects are loaded automatically. These include camera, cube and light.


To add mesh, I selected add and then mesh.



SolidWorks is a professional 3D CAD computer-aided design program used in the design, simulation, and engineering of mechanical parts, assemblies, and drawings. It was developed by Dassault Systèmes and it is widely used in design manufacturing, engineering, product design, and 3D printing.

Key Features of SolidWorks keys feature are:

Instation of SolidWorks software

To use SolidWorks, you need license. You can use free trial or student version which expire around a year. Fortunate for us who are taking AfabCademy course, I got 1 year year.

To download it, I visited solidworks download page and filled the necessary information