1. Principles and Practices


The main objectives of this week is to create and structure my Fab Academy website using HTML and CSS as well as setting up my GitHub repository and host my website. Additionally, I had to visit the lab and get familiriar with and visited the machines and ewuipments i will be using with my team.

Getting started with GIT

What is Git

Git is an open source version control systems in which developeres can track and manage their code or project files. With Git, several multiple people can work on similtaneposly on the same project without overriding each other work. It helps developers to get all commit history (any change that have been made to the projects) or timeline. And it allows to create a local repository (clone) on your computer where you can store all files locally.

You can get git program through Git official website. Before dounloanging, you should chose your operating system. For window, select window tab, mack select mach, etc,...


Before downloading, you should choose the correct (derired) operating systen if it isn't selected automatically. For window operating sysytem, select the highled shace (window logo), for mach os, select the the corresponding icon and linux respectively.

Next process is to download and install code editor.

VS Code Studio

For web design, you need a code editor to streamline your workflow. Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is one of the most powerful , open-source code editor designed for developers (and me as well _import imogi here_) to write and debug code efficiently. It support a wide range of progragraming langaues and it offers many (amazing) features such as syntax highlighting, code suggestions, debugging tools, built-in terminal and mostly Git integration. The best part of VS Code is that, it is lightweigh and fast, and straightforaward to use allowing even begineers to start writing their code with an easy.

Downloading and installing VS Code Studio

To get VS Code Studio editor, vist the offical download webpage. It is free to use!


As for git, when downloading vs code, you should also chose your corresponding operating system as well. Where your are using mack os, windows or linux

After downloading and installing git and code editor, I cloned my git repository

Cloning git repository

To cone a git repository, log into you git account and clone select code tab and then Clone with with SSH.


After open command line (cmd) and type [ssh keygen] to generate a key

Later Later

After get the ssh, git will be stored in folder (user/ssh) and open the public key with code editor

Later Later

Copy and pase the public key to ssh box


Add the key to ssh box

After this, select add the key. Key note here is to disable the expiration date so the the key won't expire

After this, open code editor and open folder you clone on a local computer.Some example code are already included.


Next, open terminal in vs code

Later Later

After type git status to chech changes that have been made


Afterward, add it to the quee by using git add


It is advisable to add the comment related to what you have changed to as to keep track easily


lastly, use git push to upload the code/chage to git


Congratulation! The website is now live. You can make as many modifications as you like. For better resoure is your not familiriar with html and css, w3schools.com (instert css link as well) is a great resources.

dummy code

Useful links

Code Example

  // the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
  void setup() {
    // initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output.

  // the loop function runs over and over again forever
  void loop() {
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);   // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
    delay(1000);                       // wait for a second
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);    // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
    delay(1000);                       // wait for a second