This week I explored Additive manufacturing practices.
The assignment for the first week was to brainstorm ideas for the final project that we will be designing at the tail-end of the course. We had to keep in mind that we were to include all the learning that we have garnered throughout the course to aid in the production of the product. There should be an input from the user to which the product is to provide an output.s Following were few of the ideas i would like bring to life.
With the recent rise of popularity of the "future nostalgia" concept, one of my ideas is to reimagine a handheld 8bit video gaming device. As well as adding a little play to the work and making us reminisce the joy of being able to click on mechanical keys to control a game.
We all have played Minesweeper as children on our computers. Following the earlier said concept of nostalgia for the future, i wondered how it would be to bring the game into the physical world while keeping the soul of the game intact. There would be randomized set of possibilities to play for each person and similar effects of game such as the sound of the original game can be added to the physical playing console room.
CDs, cassettes and vinyls are seeing a resurgence among music enthusiasts to directly have the music of their favourite artist in a physical form . Following this CD players and record players are also experiencing the demand in markets. I would like to design a CD player for the present taking not of the current design trends and processes.
Directly taking an observation from real life, medical gadgets help to keep track of our health and provide warnings if required. making them wearable is taking another step towards approaching these machines easily and thereby increases accessibility.
Lamps that are used to to create dynamic and engaging visual. It would make use of movement into its design, to create engaging lighting effects. The lamp could track motion or sound and then change its colour or shape.
GitLab is an open source code sharing platform to aid in task management.We had to use GitLab, to be able to set up our webpage.Following is the workflow of linking my local repository to the global repository.
$ git config --global "[username]" $ git config --global "[email]"
git config --global --list
$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "[email]"
$ git clone [Paste the copied URL]
We used VSCode as code editor . Code editors allow a Developer to write error-free code more efficiently. They come equipped with features that facilitate the coding process. These features include syntax highlighting, automatic indentation, error-checking, autocomplete, and code snippets.
< a href="../"></a>
Html was used to create my webpage. HTML is the skeletal structure of a webpage. CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) is a style sheet language which is used to describe how elements of the HTML structure should be styled and presented. I started to learn how to setup a basic webpage which can be customised to my needs be using different tags for different elements. To understand how to use HTML i referred to tutorials online that teach the basics, such as W3schools where you can type in the code and see the resulting changes live. This gave me an idea of how to make the structure my webpage and experimented to learn more.
There are three ways in which you can give CSS commands:
Some CSS commands i used are:
In this week, We had to brainstorm a few ideas which would further be developed into the final project as the course progresses. We also learned how to use Git version control and some basic commands. As we had to create our personal webpage , i was able to learn how to use HTML and CSS functions.