
Group assignment: demonstrate and compare the toolchains and development workflows for available embedded architectures

Individual assignment: browse through the data sheet for your microcontroller write a program for a microcontroller, and simulate its operation, to interact (with local input &/or output devices) and communicate (with remote wired or wireless connections) extra credit: test it on a development board extra credit: try different languages &/or development environments

Group Assignment

Embedded architecture refers to the hardware and software structure of an embedded system, which is a specialized computing system designed for a specific function within a larger application. Unlike general-purpose computers, embedded systems are optimized for dedicated tasks with constraints on power, size, and real-time performance. In our group assignment different embedded architectures were explored, their toolchains and development workflows were compared.

Group Assignment

4. Embedded Programming

RP 2040

RP2040 is the debut microcontroller from Raspberry Pi

Key Features

RP2040 has a dual M0+ processor cores, DMA, internal memory and peripheral blocks connected via AHB/APB bus fabric.


Wokwi is an online Electronics simulator. You can use it to simulate Arduino, ESP32, STM32, and many other popular boards, parts and sensors.

I worked on Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040 using microphyton.

open wokwi -> My projects -> New project ->Raspberry Pi Pico -> Microphyton

The program code is given below

import machine
import time

It allows you to access and utilize functions, classes, and variables defined in external files, known as modules.

led = machine.Pin(LED_PIN, machine.Pin.OUT)
button = machine.Pin(BUTTON_PIN, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_UP)

The LED is connected to GPIO2.The button is connected to GPIO14 with an internal pull-up resistor, meaning it reads high (1) when not pressed and low (0) when pressed.

while True:
if not button.value():
print("LED ON!")
print("LED OFF!")

If the button is pressed (button.value() is 0), the LED turns on, and "LED ON!" is printed.If the button is not pressed, the LED turns off, and "LED OFF!" is printed.There's a time.sleep(0.5) delay to prevent rapid toggling.

The program code is given below

from machine
import Pin, PWM
import utime
TRIG = Pin(3, Pin.OUT)

This line sets up GPIO pin 3 as an output pin for the trigger of the ultrasonic sensor. This pin sends a pulse to the ultrasonic sensor to trigger a measurement.

ECHO = Pin(2, Pin.IN)

This line sets up GPIO pin 2 as an input pin for the echo signal from the ultrasonic sensor. This pin receives the signal reflected from the object (the echo) after the pulse is sent, and it is used to calculate the distance.

led = PWM(Pin(15))

This line creates a PWM object on GPIO pin 15 to control the brightness of an LED.


This line sets the frequency of the PWM signal to 1000 Hz

def get_distance():

This sets the TRIG pin to low (0V). The TRIG pin must be low for at least a short duration before triggering the ultrasonic sensor to send a pulse.


This waits for 2 microseconds means sleep in microseconds to ensure a clean low-to-high transition when the pulse is sent.


This sets the TRIG pin to high. This triggers the ultrasonic sensor to send out a pulse of sound.


The TRIG pin needs to be high for at least 10 microseconds to send a pulse. This is the duration of the pulse sent by the ultrasonic sensor.

while ECHO.value() == 0:

This loop runs while the ECHO pin is low (0V). When the ultrasonic pulse is sent, the ECHO pin remains low until the pulse is reflected back.The ECHO pin will go high once the pulse is reflected back to the sensor. This first while loop ensures the code waits until the ECHO pin goes high.

signal_off = utime.ticks_us()

When the ECHO pin transitions from low to high, the current time in microseconds is recorded by utime.ticks_us(). This is the moment the signal is sent out. The signal_off variable captures the time at which the pulse was sent.

while ECHO.value() == 1:

This second loop keeps running while the ECHO pin is high. The ECHO pin stays high as long as the pulse is traveling back to the sensor from the object. The code will stop when the ECHO pin goes low again, which indicates the pulse has returned to the sensor.

signal_on = utime.ticks_us()

When the ECHO pin goes low again, the time in microseconds is captured with utime.ticks_us(). This is the moment the reflected pulse has been received by the sensor. The signal_on variable captures the time at which the pulse was received.

time_passed = signal_on - signal_off
distance = (time_passed * 0.0343) / 2 

0.0343 is the speed of sound in centimeters per microsecond.Since the time measured includes the round trip (to the object and back), we divide the time by 2 to get the one-way time.

return distance
while True:
dist = get_distance()
print("Distance:", dist, "cm")
if dist > 100:

Here I set the distance as 100 cm

 brightness = 0
brightness = int((1 - (dist / 100)) * 65535) >

Dividing dist by 100 scales the distance to a value between 0 and 1 if the distance is between 0 and 100 cm.Subtracting the scaled distance from 1 inverts the mapping.

The result is then multiplied by 65535 to scale the value to the range of a 16-bit PWM duty cycle. The PWM duty cycle on a 16-bit range can take values between 0 and 65535. The int() function is used to convert the calculated floating-point number into an integer because the PWM duty cycle needs to be an integer.


duty_u16() is a method that sets the PWM duty cycle using a 16-bit value (0–65535).


from machine import Pin, PWM
      import utime
      TRIG = Pin(3, Pin.OUT)
      ECHO = Pin(2, Pin.IN)
      led = PWM(Pin(15)) 
      def get_distance():
          while ECHO.value() == 0:
              signal_off = utime.ticks_us()
          while ECHO.value() == 1:
              signal_on = utime.ticks_us()
          time_passed = signal_on - signal_off
          distance = (time_passed * 0.0343) / 2  
          return distance
      while True:
          dist = get_distance()
          print("Distance:", dist, "cm")
          if dist > 100:
              brightness = 0  
              brightness = int((1 - (dist / 100)) * 65535)  

I used chatgpt to refer the code.

promt:-How to code for ultrasonic sensor and led varing intensity using rp 2040 and microphyton

const int buttonPin = 2;
        const int ledPin = 13;
        void setup() {
          pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
          pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
        void loop() {
          int buttonstate = digitalRead(buttonPin);
          if (buttonstate==LOW){
            digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
            Serial.println("LED is ON");
            digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
            Serial.println("LED is OFF");

I used chatgpt to refer the code.

promt:-how to write a code in wokwi adrino uno to blink led using pushbutton

Code is explained below

const int buttonPin = 2;
const int ledPin = 13;

Defines constant integer for button and LED connected to pin 2 and pin 13 respectively

void setup() {
            pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
            pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);

setup() function runs once the ardino is powered on/ reset. Button pin defines pin 2 as input. INPUT_PULLUP enables internal pull up resistor,which keeps the pin value high when the button is not pressed. ledPin defines pin 13 as output. In Serial.begin(9600) serial communication begins at 9600 bits per second.

 void loop() {
            int buttonstate = digitalRead(buttonPin);

In void loop, the function runs continuosly.Digital read reads the state of button pin

if (buttonstate==LOW){
              digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
              Serial.println("LED is ON");

If the buttonstate is low, the LED turns ON and serial monitor prints "LED is ON"

                digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
                Serial.println("LED is OFF");

Otherwise the LED turns OFF and serial monitor prints "LED is OFF"


Pauses execution for 200 milliseconds. Prevents rapid toggling and reduces flickering.

Hardware setup

  • Arduino UNO
  • LED
  • Resistor (220 ohm)
  • wires
  • PC
  • push button
  • Breadboard
  • The resistor is selected using resistor colourcode

    LEDs do not have internal resistance to limit current, so they can draw too much current and burn out if connected directly to a voltage source.

    Using Ohm's law

    𝑅 = V/I

    Arduino outputs 5V. A typical LED forward voltage drop is about 2V. Desired current is ~15-20mA (0.02A).150Ω is a minimum safe value, 220Ω is commonly used to ensure safety and longevity while keeping the LED bright enough.

    I changed the LED pin to pin 9. Change is made in the code. circuit is connected and code is uploaded using arduino IDE


    This week I learned about embedded programming. I learned about various embedded architectures, their toolchains and development workflows. Went through the datasheet of rp2040. Simulated programs in wokwi. Wrote programs for Raspberry Pi Pico and adruino UNO.Tested the program on AdruinoUNO.

    Useful links

    RP2040 Datasheet