1. Principles,Practices and Project management

Planning and sketching my final project

Self watering pot - The Idea was to make a self watering pot. Using soil moisture sensor the level of water can be monitored and using an automatic pump water will be available according to need of plant.

Ultrasonic distance sensor lamp - In distance sensor lamp the light intensity is varied according to the distance of the person standing near it. Ultrasonic sensor is used to measure the distance. When someone come closer to lamp the light intensity increases.

Pill dispenser- In pill dispenser time and dosage can be adjusted. Sensor detects the presence of pill. An automated system releases pill according to customer input.

Waste detection system in water bodies - A floating monitoring system which detects the quantity of strange objects floating around it and notifies authorities.

Smart LED control - ON/ OFF commands are given using smartphone via bluetooth.

Final Project

For my final project I choose to make an Ultrasonic distance sensor lamp. I tried to draw an initial sketch.


Work through a git tutorial

Setting Up Git

Git is a free, open-source version control system that tracks changes in files and allows multiple people to collaborate on projects. It enables users to revert to previous versions, branch out for parallel development, and merge changes efficiently.

Click here to download the latest version of Git.

As I am using a Windows system, I downloaded Git Bash, which is a command line interface used to communicate with Git. Configure your name and email address using the following commands in Git Bash.

$ git config --global user.name "[username]"
 $ git config --global user.email "[email]"

To ensure the configuration has been done properly

git config --global --list

Creating and adding SSH Keys

SSH keys are a secure way to authenticate and establish a connection between your local machine and GitLab repositories without using a username and password. An SSH key pair consists of a private key and a public key , allowing encrypted communication. Once set up, SSH keys enable secure, password-less Git operations.To create an SHH key pair enter

 $ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "[email]"

A public and private key pair has been generated in this file path.


To add your public SSH key, Git Lab account->settings->SSH Key->Add. Copy paste your public SSH key.I added my public SSH key

Cloning your repository

Copy the URL to clone with SSH key

In Git Bash, type the command given below and press enter

$ git clone [Paste the copied URL]

I installed Visual Studio Code.Visual Studio Code, commonly referred to as VS Code, is an IDE developed by Microsoft for Windows, Linux, macOS and web browsers. I installed Live Server and Save Typing and opened my file in it.

The following commands are used to make changes in our repository

 git init, git status, git add, git commit, git log, git push

Read, sign the student agreement and commit it to your repo

I installed Visual Studio Code to work in html.

Save the student agreement as a .md file in your github repository. Open the file in Visual Studio Code and add your name.

It is then linked to the website using anchor tool

I edited my about page in the website

It is then pushed to remote repository using the commands git add .,git commit -m, git push

git add .
git commit -m "[Your message here]"
git push