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2. Computer-Aided Design


Here you can find a recording of the lecture from the 29th of january.

This week's assignments and learning outcomes, see here:

  • Model (raster, vector, 2D, 3D, render, animate, simulate, ...) a possible final project, compress your images and videos, and post it on your class page

Learning outcomes:

  • Evaluate and select 2D and 3D software
  • Demonstrate and describe processes used in modelling with 2D and 3D software

Questions that should be answered:

  • Modelled experimental objects/part of a possible project in 2D and 3D software
  • Shown how you did it with words/images/screenshots
  • Included your original design files

Hero shots





This week we were supposed to use and compare different 2D and 3D programs. The only program I knew well was Inkscape, I knew a little about Freecad but the other programs were all new to me. Therefore I knew that this would be quite heavy, but I had been looking forward to this week because I find these programs very interesting. Last wednesday I caught the flu. Because of this I did not get to work as many hours as I wanted, but to look at the bright side; this could have happened at a worse time. At least I could sit at home and work at my computer 😄

Work process detail

2D software

Photopea and Inkscape

Photopea and Inkscape

Here is a link to the online Photopea editor.

I decided to use Inkscape to transform my sketch of the final project to a raster image. I know that we are supposed to try out new things but I was only prepairing the image for Photopea because I knew that I could delete the handwritten text in Inkscape. I used File and Import to open up the photo of the sketch in Inkscape. Then I used Path and Trace bitmap to create the raster image. Then I deleted the original photo. I deleted handwritten text by deleting nodes with the Nodes tool. I used File and then Export to create a .png image of the raster image to get an invisible background.

I opened the Photopea website and dropped the .png image there. Then I wanted to add a photo of a landscape as a background for my sketch, but I didn't know how. I Googled and found this video. I used it for reference and it also explained how to rasterize an image in Photopea. So, to add the background photo I clicked on File and then Open&place. Then I right-clicked on the layer with the background image and clicked on Rasterize. Finally, I added text to the image and downloaded the image. I used my own photo of Norðfjörður in the first image below but it was not suitable, so I used a photo from library in Photopea in the lower image.

Link to video did not work and more information needed.

In my local review I was asked to add the .psd file, but I didn't save that file, only .png. When I clicked on the video link it didn't work. I searched for the video but couldn't find it. Not good! I decided to look for another video and watch it. The video is Here. Then I recreated the image. Here below you can see the Photopea interface.

Photopea interface


This time I began by choosing the background image from Stock images. I clicked on the symbol for an image, wrote the word sea in the search window and clicked on the image I wanted to use. Then I clicked on File and then Open&place to select the .png image I made of the sketch of Final project. After that I added the text by clicking on the symbol for Text. Finally, I downloaded the project as a .psd file, a .png image and a .jpg image.

Photopea Background from Stock images

Photopea - Adding the .png

Final image

This is the final imagee I made, but didn't save the .psd file.

is the one I made when I recreated the project in Photopea. The middle one is the one I made, but didn't save the .psd file. The bottom one is the one with a photo that I took myself, but I didn't like the look of it.


Final image - my photo

This is the one is the one with a photo that I took myself, but I didn't like the look of it.


Final image - different file formats

This is the one I made when I recreated the project in Photopea. You can export different file formats in Photopea and here you can see a .png image, a .jpg image, the image as a web page and the .psd file in Sketchfab.

More about inkscape

Directions for Inkscape

Hafey Hallgrímsdóttir made these directions about Inkscape. Whenever I need to know how things are done in Inkscape, I use this book.

I decided to design the plexiglass plate for the final project in Inkscape. The only problem is that I have to find a better map to use for the rastering part. The maps I have found so far show Iceland as a small, irregular blob. I used a map that I found here.

I imported the map into Inkscape and made a vector drawing by using Path and Trace bitmap. I drew a rectangle with rounded courners and adjusted the size of the map to the size of the rectangle. Then I selected both the rectangle and the map and used Path and Difference to delete the parts of the map that I didn't need. Then I used the rasterize settings for the map itself, so that the sea will be rasterized (maybe I will swithc this to rasterizing the countries). Then I changed the settings for the outline for vector cutting.

Inkscape files


3D software


I had the FreeCad program set up in advance. In Pre-Fab. I learned a few basics in using FreeCad but I think I need more practice to see if I like using the program. Svavar Konráðsson and Þórarinn Bjartur Breiðfjörð made these two sites; FreeCad and Computer Aided Design, with instructions and tips on how to use FreeCad. I followed their instructions on how to get a nicer interface.Svavar Konráðsson customized settings in a json file. I downloaded it here and followed the directions to set it up.

Note! This might take quite some time

The program froze three times while setting upp the new ribbon. I could not access other program whilst this was going on, so I had to restart my computer three times. So make sure that you have time to set things up.

I was quite pleased with the new ribbon because on it you can see the names of the operations. When I used the program in Pre-Fab it was sometimes difficult to find the right operations because they were only symbols without explanations. So now my top ribbon in Freecad looks like this:


Simple model in Freecad based on this video

This video shows how you can constrain elements symmetrically around the x-, y- and/or z- axis. It also shows other ways to constrain and I used it as a reference when making the sketches both in Freecad and Fusion.

Conflicting constraints and sketch was lost

When I extruded the drawing I realized that I had not made the same size of holes as in the video. Then I used CTRL+Z to undo the extrusion and then I tried to change the size of the holes. Then the program complained and said that my constraints were conflicting each other. Then I decided to keep the original settings and extrude. Somewhere along the way I got lost in the programs settings and couldn't find the drawing again!


Making Tasks bar active

I had to ask Svavar Konráðsson for assistance and he showed me that the Tasks bar was unactive. He told me to drag the Tasks bar to the left until it fell into a frame. Then he showed me that I had to go to View and Panels and then check in the checkbox for Model.


Simple model made in Freecad

ModelInFreecad This is a photo of the model I made in FreeCad

Freecad file



I used the link that Fab Academy sent me to create an account at Autodesk. Then I checked out "All products and Services". I downloaded Fusion and a Desktop Connector. I also clicked on "Fusion - Team" and created a Hub for my projects. Then I watched a number of tutorial videos. After that I began drawing in Fusion.

Simple model in Fusion based on this video

As I mentioned before, I used this video and I also used this video as a reference when creating a simple model in Fusion.

Which plane is what?

The first problem I encountered was that I could not see which plane was what. I couldn't see the x-, y- or z- axis marked.

I searched for the answer but did not see any clear explanations about this. Amongst the answers I found was this question about Why is XZ plane "top". One of the answers say that this can be changed in the general settings where there is a dropdown for default modeling orientation and that it can be set to Z-up. I tried to follow this but I couldn't find these settings.

Then I decided to do a comparison and see the difference between choosing each of these three planes. I also decided to ask in Global Open Time, just to be sure. Rico Kanthatham answered that the GREEN line represents the Y direction. The RED line represents the X direction. The BLUE line represents the Z direction. This can be seen in the photo below. It's kind of funny that after he answered I looked closely at this photo and I could see the axes clearly.


Two ways to sketch

I tried out two different ways to draw. First, from the top bar I chose Solid - Create.


Two ways to sketch

I also practiced right-clicking on the screen to open up commands. In the photos below you can see the first choice of commands that appear. By sliding down to Sketch this window opened up. I clicked on Sketch.


Two ways to sketch

Then this window opened up and I could choose what to sketch.


Simple model made in Fusion

ModelMadeInFusion This is a photo of the model made in Fusion

Base of model made in Fusion

Base for final project

After quite some time of practicing I was ready to draw a base for the final project and I decided to use Fusion. I used this video as a reference.

Base made in Fusion

I made a sketch of centered rectangle. The reason I used a Center rectangle is that then the other rectangular forms could be drawn from the same center. After sketching it and extruding it, I used the Shell command to empty the form, leaving only walls. I set the walls to 8mm.

Then I sketched two centered rectangles on top of the shell and extruded the face between them, to make an outer frame that was 4 millimeters thinner. The extrusion was 3mm (the thickness of the plexiglass lid that will be on top). This plexiglass plate with the map can then sit on the 4mm inner face. I want the plexiglass to sit snugly but not too tight so that it can be lifted easily. Therefore I made it 1mm smaller than the space for it.

I used the Fillet command to round the edges. Then I used the Hole command to make a hole for the electric cord.





Other elements

Plexiglass drawn in Fusion

I also drew the plexiglass plate in Fusion so that I could import all elements in Blender to animate the final project.


Fusion files





Video for beginners in Blender

Svavar Konráðsson sent me links to videos and I followed this video. Here you can see a figure that I drew in Blender. I did not give myself time to add details because of the limited time I had.

Since I have never tried Blender before, there was a lot to learn and I decided to write down a few of the tips that were explained in the video, as you can see here below.


Shortcuts and a few commands in Blender

Shortcuts in Blender

Here is a list of shortcuts in Blender.

If you have an active keyboard: By hitting the number 1 on your keyboard you get the front orthographic view. Nr. 3 takes you to the right orthographic view or side view.

SHIFT+D = Duplicate SHIFT+A = Opens up list of actions, f.ex. if you want to select an image and then click on Reference.

You have to choose between Object mode to see and move a model or Edit mode to be able to change the model.


In FreeCad and Fusion you can use the mouse to select a point, line or face, but in Blender you first have to choose which of these you want to select and work with. These tools are at the top left on the screen.

By clicking on the small Tool logo on the right of the screen you can choose a Modifier. I chose the "Mirror". Then I clicked on clipping.

By hitting Z you can click on Wireframe and then you can see through the object and it's split in half by the mirroring axis. If you want to remove the face where the two mirroring objects touch, you have to delete it. You click on Face select on the upper right, click on the face and delete it. To delete you can click on x* and then choose Delete**

To go back from Wireframe and to Solid view you just click on Z and then choose Solid.


If you want commands to happen on að specific axis, x-, y- or z-axis, then you can hit the button with the first letter in the command and then write x, y or z after that. This way you can f.ex. hit the letter S (scaling) and then right after that, the letter Y. Then you can scale the object along the y-axis.

Hitting G and then x means that you can move it on the x-axis. Choosing E and then Y is for extruding on the y-axis. Use the R-key to rotate a line, plane or point.

If you want to begin shaping a body and then split a part of it in two when extruding (f.ex. making two legs on a body), you just have to uncheck the Clipping while extruding a plane.

Inserting a form that probes out from face/plane

I watched this video and used it as a reference on how to model the whale. If you want to insert a new, smaller plane for extruding form, you press I. That adds a smaller plane to the plane you had selected. This is explained in this video Here. It begins around the nineteenth minute.

By using the Edge tool, clicking on a plane and then hitting CTRL+R you can add an extra edge. This method adds an Edge loop/Edge cut. By scrolling the mouse up or down you can choose how many of these you want to add. When you see the amount of Edge loops you want, you left click and then you can slide it. When you are happy with where the line is, you just click and then you cannot slide it anymore. If you want to move it further, you can click on G two times to awake the movement again.

By clicking on E to extrude and then right away on S you can extrude and scale at the same time.

To smooth the surface a bit I clicked on Modifier and then Subdivision Modifier and heightened the upper number from one to twoo.

To smooth the model better you can change Edit mode to Object mode, then click on Object and after that on Shade smooth.

For the ground to be the center mode in that model, you have to be in Edit mode, click on A to choose everything, click on G to move it up until you can see the origin point exactly where the floor should be.

I saw in the video how an add-on was used to animate a shark. I went to Edit and then Preferences. From there I went to Add-ons and chose Rigify. Then I clicked on Save and load. I wanted to see if this add-on had animation possibilities for a whale, but it was only for a shark and other animals.

I used these photos as reference: photo1, photo2

Humpback whale video

Video on how to model a Humpback Wale - found a bit too late

When I was searching for how to animate my whale I found this video that shows a Humpback whale being modeled. It is so well done, but I don't have time to do the model again at this moment, but I will keep the link and use it later.

A bumpy whale - bad results

Bad results

The final results were bad, to say the least. Here you can see two examples of how I did with creating a Humpback whale. I obviously have to study Blender better if I want the final model to be acceptable.



The bumps on the whales belly are there because I extruded one plane at a time downwards, instead of keeping the mass as big as possible and then adding edges with CTRL+R. That would have been much better.

Animation and rendering in Blender

I had to try and finish with my limited time. I knew it would take a long time to model my Humpback whale from start, so I took the decicion to continue working with my badly shaped model to learn about rendering and animation.

I got into problems when I tried to animate my whale. Blender is stuffed with settings and this did not work so well, especially since I had to change so many settings. By using the videos I finally managed to add animation but then I just couldn't save it. I asked Þórarinn Bjartur Breiðfjörð and he told me how to do it. He pointed out where to work with the redHe recommended the resolution to be set to 1920x1080px.

Þórarinn also sent me this link.

Then I also found this video that helped:

Video on how to save an animation in Blender

This video explaines how to render an animation and which settings are good when you want to export an Mp4 video.

The directions from Þórarinn and this video did not help me all the way. When I clicked on Animation and then Render Aninmation a window popped up, but it did not seem to be working. It looked as if I was stuck in fram 49 of the 50 frames I wanted.

To save animation in Blender

Video on how to save an animation in Blender

I exported the files for the box and the lid as .stl from Fusion. Then I imported these files into the Blender file with the whale. Finally, after adjusting the size of the whale, I exported these three forms together as one in an .stl file, as you can see here:

Blender files




Learning outcome

I learned so many things this week but I still feel that I need to practice a lot more to be able to work confidently with these programs. Each programs has it's pros and cons. Photopea didn't appeal to me at first glance, but then I began working with it and it has many possibilities. I liked the images that I made in this program, so it works fine. I like Inkscape and it's versatile tools. Maybe I I am hardly ready to choose between Freecad and Fusion because I like them both and I am just beginning to work with them, but I decided to choose Fusion. I designed the final box in it and I am quite happy with it. I might make changes to the size and height, but I like the outcome.

I thought I would find it easier to learn to use Blender, but that was not the case. All the possibilities in Blender are so cool, so I aim to learn more. Sometimes I find it hard only to use videos, so I think I might have to take some time and document all the possible steps that I might want to use. The question is only when that could happen.


Svavar mentioned this site as helpful when adding links.