Week_1 assignments

This week need to do two main assignments:

1- Project management: Here we need to make a website to use as a documentation method for our fab academy journey.

2- Principals and practices: Here we need to showcase our potential final project idea with sketches and features. "So excited for the final project"

1. Project management

okay, let's see what to do with this assignment 🤔

As I have a small knowledge dealing with web design (The only experience I have is I had to edit a template I got from a tutorial I was following to make a web app and connect it to esp 32 through firebase you can find the tutorial here) and considering the time I have this week I decided to go easy and not using a template or bootstrap (I found using boot strap is a great advantage and quite easy way to enter web design.). On the other hand I had experience using git will learning ROS I was using terminator. I was introduced to an easier way to use git which is using a GUI recommended by my Instructor which is using a software program called Source tree to make the push/pull to the repo easier. I am using visual studio code to edit files and organize them.


Step_1: Getting git ^^

I already had git but if you don't have it is a simple task all you have to do is open a browser and then search for "download git". Then the installation steps are quite easy just hit next and the finish.

Getting git

Step_2: Downloading/installing Source Tree

I downloaded Source Tree as mention to use a GUI instead of using a terminal or command line.

Source Tree setting up

Step_3: Setting up my environment

I created a local folder in my PC and called it FabAcademy. In this folder I cloned my repository from gitlab using Source Tree as such:

Step_4: Setting up our development environment (Downloading Visual Studio Code)

I already have VS Code but you can download it from here.

Step_5: Editing my website.

I will talk about what to do mainly and some codes I learned and used in HTML ans CSS to make my website simple and upgradable ^^. Before I start i will tell you some things I figure out while moving through this process. Keep track of the files directories/pathes, Stick to never using spaces and special characters in naming the files in your repo. Try to understand the written code to figure out the build of the website.

We will start with this structure of files:

I have the Myrepo folder includes the cloned files and folders from gitlab like folder public andt gitlab-ci.yml file and the README.md file. Inside the public folder I have the assignments and images folders and the HTML files which I will be editing. Oh how we are forgetting the style.css file ^^.

Inside the assignments folder I found an HTML file called week01 which I will be editing. I created a folder called week_1 and created a folder inside it called images to save all the images I used/be using throughout documentation week 1. Then moved week01.html inside it like so.

Now I will share with you some codes I used in HTML and CSS. I started editing the index.html file.

  • I used this code to change the colour of the linked text according to its satuts whether it is visited or user is hovering over it or visited and etc.

    /* unvisited link */ a:link { color: rgb(230, 255, 5); }

    /* mouse over link */ a:hover { color: hotpink; }

    /* selected link */ a:active { color: rgb(223, 223, 236); }

  • Step_6: Pushing my edits to the repository

    After editing the html and css files and other files like images we added. We need to push these changes to our repo in gitlab using Source Tree.

    2. Principals and practices

    My potential final project idea I started with three main ideas and now I am comparing between two which of these two I will learn most from its journey and can be finished within fab academy time frame.

    A. Interactive Binary Display

    This a project I wanted to be working on for a long time since I got into python programming and using Opencv library thanks to Paul Mcwhorter python tutorial ^^ I really recommend this amazing old fellow. I have seen the Breakfast Studio website and got attached to the units like pixels which moves mechanically with some programming and interact with people standing infron of it.

    So here is my initial sketching of the display and how I want to biuld it. I am think of using instead of servo motors for each pixel actuator or using magnetic elements I will use small DC motors to flip the pixel from white to black and the opposite using limit switches to indicate the the filliping happened. I am thinking also of adding an LCD as a way to choose modes: like pattern playing of enteractive mode which will be using the camera.

    B. 2D Drawing Robot Arm

    Big reason why I wanted to work on a robotic arm to do something complicated like drawing is actually I have no artistic sense and a dummy in arts and drawing but on the other hand I find arts really beautiful and inspiring so I want to make a machine to do art or more accurately duplicate art ^^. I want this machine to receive files to draw them via usb / sd card / wifi. I want to implement a pc application that has a GUI to draw and then send to the machine and I want to add a live drawing concept.

    So here is my initial sketching of the display and how I want to biuld it. I am think of using instead of servo motors for each pixel actuator or using magnetic elements I will use small DC motors to flip the pixel from white to black and the opposite using limit switches to indicate the the filliping happened. I am thinking also of adding an LCD as a way to choose modes: like pattern playing of enteractive mode which will be using the camera.

    I can say that I more to choose the robotic arm. I will update this page to the final project I will be working on.

    That is the end of week_1 and the start to a greeeeeeeeat Journey I am excited to go through.