1. Project Managing¶
This week I worked on setting up my Git Lab Fab Academy Website. I followed the instructions on these slides given to me by my instructor.
Creating My Website¶
- To create my website, I first created an account on https://gitlab.fabcloud.org/ and signed in with Fab.
- Here is the link to my repository
Generating My SSH key¶
- I downloaded GitBash.
- I then installed the 64 bit version of the Standalone Installer.
- After GitBash was Installed I entered a series of prompt into Chatgpt to configure my SSH key.
Here is a link to that entire process.
After I generated my SSH key, I pasted it into Gitlab.
I set the title as to my name and I made sure to remove the expiring date.
Installing Python¶
I previously had Python installed and pip library from my previous computer science class. This allowed me to create my website quicker. - Here is a link to a slide show that step by step shows you have to install python and pip.
Cloning My Repository¶
I prompted Chatgpt to give me a tutorial on how to clone a remote repository and followed each step.
In the homepage of Gitlab, I clicked “code” and copied the link: “Clone with SSH”.
cd /c/Users/YourUsername/Documents.
- I replaced this code with my username and changed the location to my Fab Adademy file.
I was able to successfully clone my SSH key into gitbash. These are the outputs from gitbash. I encountered a syntax error but corrected it.
Installing Mkdocs in Visual Studios¶
I downloaded the Mkdocs format folder and put it into my fab academy file from Fab Academy student template (https://gitlab.fabcloud.org/fibasile/fabacademy-student-template)
I then draged the template into my Fab Academy file from my cloned repository.
In my terminal in VS code I entered:
pip.install mkdocks
mkdocks serve
After that Mkdocs was successfully installed into python.
- Angelina Yang documentation of week 1.
- Dr. Taylor’s Google slide presentation.
- Jullian’s Fab Academy student template
- Teddy Warner’s steps for setting up MKDocs.
Final Project Sketch¶
For my final project, I am making a humidity sensored water filter. In the beginning, I didn’t know how I would do this, so I asked Chatgpt.
I prompted it to give me a basic breakdown on how to make a humidity sensored water filter. It gave me these three option on how to go about my idea.
I decided to pick the third option: “A Smart Water Filter that adjusts Based on Humidity”.
I then asked it how I would make it and the materials I would need to complete my project.
Using the component given to me by chatgpt, here is a sketch of my final project.