Akureyri seen from my home

About me

Profile picture of me

Hi! My name is Björn Gunnar Hreinsson and I am alot of things, but for now I am an electrician and a teacher at the Vocational school in Akureyri, Iceland. In the past I have also done alot of different things. I am an automechanic, I am licenced to drive anything on the road from motorcycles to busses, operate heavy machinery, I have worked as a plumber and all kind of different things. I there is a possibility that I can do it my self, that is always first choice.

Previous work/experiences

The FabLab Akureyri is located at my school and I have been there quite a bit for the last couple of years working on different things related to my classes. Making new projects for my students to work on and also in colaboration with the fab lab making electronic circuits with cnc machines. I have been drawing a little bit, 2D and 3D and I bought my own 3D printer last year.

Project A

The greatest project I have worked on was when an american business man was building a lodge for hi heliskiing operation here in Iceland. I was in charge of all the electricity and electronics with 20 electricians I had to manage and keep busy. Since money was no object, making changes was no big deal and we had to do that all the time. .

Fab Academy Student Agreement

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Björn Gunnar Hreinsson