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Forrest O. Fab Academy

3D Scanning and Printing

Group work

Multi test print

Multi test print.

Looking at this multi test print from last year's group work.

Benchy! ⛴️

Blue Benchy 3d printed tugboat.

3D Benchy boat printed with the Prusa Mini with blue PLA. Small flaw visible on the right side of the helm.

Dimension comparison:

Part Nominal Actual Delta
Bridge roof length 23.00 22.9 0.1 mm
Chimney diameter 7.0 6.9 0.1 mm
Horizontal length 60.0 60.1 0.1 mm
Horizonal width 31.0 30.8 0.2 mm
Vertical height - overall 48.0 48.0 0
Vertical height - box 15.5 15.5 0
Cargo box outer 12.0 × 10.81 11.7 × 10.6 0.3 × 0.2 mm
Hawsepipe diameter 4.0 3.7 0.3 mm

Interesting to note that the heights were exact, but the widths and lengths tended to be small by 0.1 or 0.2 mm. This could be taken into account if I need to make a more-exact model.

3D printing

Formlabs 2, 3

Five Interlocking Tetrahedra, printed with grey resin.

About Five Interlocking Tetrahedra.

I'd like to iterate on this design to make it nicer to hold and play with. By chamfering the edges, it should be less sharp, and have a little bit of play between the tetrahedra.

Layer lines magnified to show that every third is more distinct.

In an maker experts forum someone noticed that the layer lines are more distinct than they should be, and someone else pointed out that it's actually an issue with every 3rd layer.

Ropes simulated in Blender. I have a Blender journal that documents that simulation.

3D embed, union of simulated ropes and base icosahedron.

Formlabs clear resin print, ropes only.

Finished print with small LED lights.

Prusa Mini

WIP print of the ropes with internal icosahdron.

3D scanning

Creality Ferret (Windows)

The software has bad reviews across platforms, and my Android phone (Pixel XL) never managed to connect to the camera.

"Creality Scan" wants to access the external camera. This permission is used for 3D scanning and processing. Enter your login password to allow this operation.

⚠️ Don't put your system password into something that looks like this! for Mac OS shows this on startup. This is not a real Mac security dialog, but it is designed to look like one. Oof. This is a very bad security smell. 👃

I succeeded in getting some scans with the Windows software connecting via the wireless bridge box.

Metal Art

This is a pounded copper artwork in our home, made by Aimo Äikäs. The scale is 1.2 × 0.9m.

I tried animating some colored lights around the capture in Blender.

3D Scanner App (iOS)

3D Scanner App is free and uses the Lidar sensors on recent iPhones. Setup, capture, editing, and exporting are faster and easier than the Creality Ferret. The quality is good for medium-sized objects, but it doesn't work for smaller things. It exports a bunch of formats, notably OBJ with texture and GLB for web sharing. The exported models are much smaller than the Ferret, and have less detail.

Metal Art


File 3D Scanner App Size Creality Ferret Size
OBJ 10.8 MB 155.3 MB
Texture 1.7 MB (JPG) 38 MB (PNG)

Metal wall art texture comparison.

Texture comparison, 3D Scanner App on left and Creality Ferret on right.

Detail comparison.

Solid render detail comparison.


  • blender-ropes.stl
  • blender-ropes-union.stl
  • fit-20.stl
