
  • Measure the power consumption of an output device.
  • Document your work on the group work page and reflect on your individual page what you learned.

Individual apport

  • Ernesto, Jorge, Marcela: This week groupal assigment was to measure the power consumption of an actuator. We measured the current draw of a solenoid coil.

Power Consuption of an Output Device:

Connection Diagram:

Equipment and Setup:

  • A variable power supply set to 5V. The variable power supply featured a current draw LCD that displayed the current being drawn by the relay module.
  • A CoquiDuino ATtiny44 board powered by 5V and GND from an Arduino UNO R3.
  • 5V Solenoid


The CoquiDuino ATtiny44 board was utilized to control the output device. Power consumption of the relay module was measured while the output device was activated and deactivated.

Measurement Process:

  • The power supply voltage was set and maintained at 5V.
  • The current drawn by the system was monitored using the current draw screen on the power supply during both activation and deactivation phases of the output device.
  • Power consumption was calculated using the formula:
    Power (P) = Voltage (V) × Current (I)
    Power (4.75W) = Voltage (5V) × Current (0.95A)


  • The solenoid power draw was recorded from the power supply's current draw screen for both active (0.95A) and inactive (0A) states of the output device.
  • The current values were used to calculate and analyze the power consumption of the solenoid, resulting in a calculated power of 4.75W. This information is crucial for determining the device's efficiency and performance.

This assignment provided valuable insights into power management in electronic systems. We learned how to measure and analyze power consumption using a variable power supply and various basic tools and components. Understanding power consumption is crucial for efficient component selection and decision-making, ensuring projects operate within safe limits and are optimized for performance and longevity.
