1. Project management

Over the course of this week, my primary focus was to crystallize the concept for my final project. I delved into the details, meticulously outlining the key components and goals to ensure a comprehensive and well-defined project scope. At the same time, I began to familiarize myself with the intricacies of the documentation process. This involved gaining the ability to articulate the project's purpose, methodology, and expected deliverables in a structured manner. Through this meticulous documentation, I aim to provide a clear roadmap for the project's development and evaluation. As I navigate through this initial phase, I am committed to refining and expanding my project idea and laying a solid foundation for its successful implementation in the weeks to come.


The documentation of school projects through web pages is an essential practice in contemporary educational environments. It provides a significant dimension to the learning and collaboration process. This modality is important because it creates an accessible and structured record of the progress and results of each project. This allows students and educators to follow and evaluate the development over time.

The benefits of using web pages to document educational projects are their accessibility and multimedia capabilities. This approach enables participants to share their experiences and knowledge with a wider audience, promoting transparency and collaboration. Additionally, incorporating images, videos, and links enriches the presentation of information and provides a more holistic understanding of the project.

Web documentation promotes digital skills by teaching students how to structure and present their work professionally online. This approach facilitates feedback between peers and educators, contributes to the development of effective communication skills, and presents students with the opportunity to build an educational digital identity.

Web desing

The creation of web pages can be achieved through the utilisation of a multitude of tools and techniques. However, the most prevalent and pervasive approach within the technological community is the employment of HTML, coupled with the integration of CSS and JavaScript elements. This methodology will be the chosen avenue for the development of my future web pages.


Images taken from: https://www.cursosgis.com/como-integramos-los-lenguajes-html-css-y-javascript/#.

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the markup language utilized to structure and present content on the World Wide Web. It is based on a series of tags that define different types of content, including headings, paragraphs, images, and links. Each web page is constituted by a hierarchical structure of elements, which are organized by opening and closing tags. These tags are essential for browsers to correctly interpret and display information to the user. Additionally, HTML allows the inclusion of attributes within tags, which provide additional information about the element. Since its creation, HTML has evolved, and more recent versions, such as HTML5, have introduced new tags and functionalities, improving the semantics and accessibility of the content.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style language used to describe the presentation of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) or Extensible Markup Language (XML) documents. CSS enables developers to define how elements should be displayed on screen, on paper, or on other media. Some key features of CSS include:

  1. Separation of Content and Presentation: One of the key benefits of CSS is that it allows HTML content to be separated from its visual presentation. This makes it easier to maintain and update websites, as the content and presentation can be managed separately.
  2. Cascading styles: Styles may be applied to elements in a variety of ways (e.g., inline, in the document header, or in external files), and are applied in a specific order, allowing for inheritance and specificity.
  3. Responsive design: CSS enables the creation of layouts that adapt to different screen sizes and devices, which is a crucial aspect of the modern web.
  4. Flexibility and Control: CSS affords the user the ability to control a multitude of design elements, including color, fonts, spacing, alignment, background images, and more.
  5. Animations and Transitions: Additionally, CSS enables the creation of animations and transitions, which can be employed to enhance the user experience.

In conclusion, it can be stated that CSS is a fundamental element in the design and presentation of websites, enabling developers to create visually appealing and coherent user experiences.

JavaScript (JS) is an interpreted programming language that is primarily utilized to create interactivity in web pages. It is an indispensable component of modern web development, along with HTML and CSS. While HTML is responsible for establishing the structure of a web page, CSS is tasked with styling and presentation. JavaScript, on the other hand, enables the incorporation of dynamic behavior, such as content manipulation, form validation, and animation creation.

The integration of JavaScript with HTML is accomplished through the use of <script> tags, which can be placed within the <head> or at the conclusion of the <body> in order to ensure that the Document Object Model (DOM) has been fully loaded prior to the execution of the code. Additionally, events, such as onclick or onload, can be utilized to trigger the execution of scripts in response to user actions.

The ability of JavaScript to manipulate styles in real time, allowing for the alteration of colors, sizes, and positions of elements, enhances the user experience. The integration of JavaScript with HTML and CSS forms the foundation of interactive and engaging web development.

Parts of a website

A web page can be divided into three principal sections: the header, the body, and the footer. To identify each part of the page, it is necessary to place their respective tags: <head>, <body> and <footer>. The <head> section contains meta information and links to styles and scripts. The <body> section contains the visible content, such as text and images, while the <footer> section includes additional information, such as copyright and contact links.

Most commonly used HTML tags

More information about HTML can be found at https://html.spec.whatwg.org/.

Git management

The initial step is to establish an SSH key for the management of Git, which is accomplished through the execution of the following command:


The process of creating an SSH key.

Subsequently, the successful generation of the SSH key is verified:


SSH key successfully created.

At this point, we proceed to clone our local repository in GitLab:


Cloning local repository into GitLab.

Once the modifications have been made to the repository, they can be pushed using the following commands:


Git commands.

The pages

In regard to the weekly assignment page, a 4x5 matrix structure of images with their respective captions was utilized, wherein both elements direct the viewer to their respective weekly page. The images were generated through Bing, based on the descriptions I created for the AI of the weekly theme.


Images generated by Bing.

In the "About Me" section of my personal page, I have provided a concise overview of my educational and professional background.

At last, I completed the page design for my final project, which comprises a wave flume constructed from acrylic. This project draws upon my previous experience in the construction of a similar structure during my master's degree at the Faculty of Physicss of the University of Havana.


Sketch of my final project.