Get to know me a little better

Just 5 minutes

Who am I?

Graduated in Automatic Engineering, with experience in teaching and research. In recent years I have held specialist roles in different companies. In 2021 I co-founded the company ESPOLETA Tecnologías where I have worked since then as a Hardware Design Specialist. (or at least that's what my business card says😋).

Since my early childhood, I have had a deep passion for science and technology. The curiosity to understand how absolutely everything works and an insatiable need to contribute to the development of technological innovation have been constant drivers in my life. This passion has only been strengthened by the power that science and technology have to improve the living conditions of all of us. This conviction has led me to undertake a PhD in Physics, with the hope of being able to contribute with significant advances that benefit both humanity and the environment.

Addicted to candy and dreaming of becoming Batman (if I can't save the world during the day, at least save it at night😅). With an excessive amount of artistic concerns, sometimes I think I dream too much...then I think about it again and I thank heaven for that. Strong admirer of passionate people (about anything).

I plan to make a difference in the world😤, WHAT WILL YOU DO?