Week 6 : Embedded Programming

Data Sheet

For this occasion we have different breadboards but we will focus our attention on the ESP32 Cam. ESP32-CAM is a low-cost ESP32-based development board with onboard camera, small in size. It is an ideal solution for IoT applications, prototypes constructions and DIY projects.


Is ESP32 more powerful than Arduino?

Yes, the ESP32 is faster and more powerful than Arduino.

The ESP32 is a powerful 32-bit microcontroller with built-in Wi-Fi, a full TCP/IP stack for Internet connection, and Bluetooth 4.2. It has 10 internal capacitive touch sensors.

Arduino Mega and Uno is an 8-bit microcontroller. Arduino boards do not have wireless connectivity, Bluetooth, and touch sensors.

Can we use ESP32 instead of Arduino?

ESP32 development board is actually cheaper than Arduino board and ESP32 development board is a more powerful board for a lower price.

Although the ESP32 has a different architecture than Arduino boards, it supports the Arduino IDE framework. Therefore, the code is similar for both boards.