Week 13 : Molding and casting

Molding and casting


Group assignment:

Review the safety data sheets for each of your molding and casting materials :

Polymer Pot life Cure time Shore hardness Material
Dragon skin 10 medium 20 min 5 h 10A platinum cure silicone
Dragon skin 20 25 min 4 h 20A platinum cure silicone
Dragon skin 30 45 min 16 h 30A platinum cure silicone
OOMOO 25 15 min 75 min 25A tin cure silicone
Smooth‑Sil 960 45 min 16 h 60A platinum cure silicone
Ecoflex 00-30 45 min 4 h 00-30 platinum cure silicone
PMC-121/30 Dry 30 min 16 h 30A polyurethane rubber

All the polymers are from Smooth-On have the same safety instructions :

Use in a properly ventilated area (“room size” ventilation). Wear safety glasses, long sleeves and rubber gloves to minimize contamination risk. luis1

The low-temperature lead-free moulding metal alloy contains only bismuth and tin. Melting it requires proper ventilation :

Where insufficient ventilation or respiratory protection is available these particulates may produce “metal fume fever” in workers from an acute or long term exposure. luis2

Make and compare test casts with each of them :

To do…

Compare printing vs machining molds :

Ok, for this test we are going to select Alex’s model and we will simulate that we will do it by machining.


The first thing we will do is add a configuration file, where we will select the machining characteristics such as the tide thickness to work, point of origin or the tool to use.


and we will select some operations, in this case to test we will use one of 2D (face1) and one of 3D (adaptive1), with that we would have the piece ready.


Finally we can see how it is in the simulation video. It will surely look good, it may be a little more complex but it will surely look much better than with a mold made in filament 3D printing.

simulacion simulacion

Safety data sheet