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Invention, Intellectual Property and Income


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My prototype is part of Fab Lab Bali’s ongoing project called ‘Hydrogen Village’, which addresses energy reliance in Bali’s coastal communities through open, accessible, and safe green hydrogen innovation - blending applied research and community development for clean energy communities and ecosystem regeneration.

The production of green hydrogen is still not cost-competitive and is not grounded for underrepresented communities, particularly in coastal areas of Indonesia. As such here in Fab Lab Bali, we recognise the need for a distributed, inclusive, frugal, open-source, bottom-up, and direct grassroots implementation innovation to this problem.

The Fab Lab Bali team have decided to work on their final projects centered around the research areas of the Hydrogen Village project.

  • Eka is focusing on creating a frugal hydrogen generator, utilising the electrolysis method of hydrogen production.
  • Tafia aims to create a frugal kit to measure a catalyst solution’s conductivity. This catalyst is used in the fuel cells to splits water in H2 + O2
  • Meanwhile, my area of research focuses on making a frugal and modular hydrogen gen-set for everyday use. The gen-set comes with a wireless power meter display. Since I couldnt get access to a fuel cell, for my spiral 1, my project will be focusing on the Power Meter Display.

We aim to make our prototype applicable as soon as possible with the Hydrogen Village residents. We understand that to progress alot in the technical research - we would have to collaborate with different sectors and involve as many people that are willing to contribute into the research. To democratise the process, any research or prototype that falls under the Hydrogen Village project are protected with Creative Commons License, in particular CC BY-NC-SA.


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This license enables reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator. If you remix, adapt, or build upon the material, you must license the modified material under identical terms. CC BY-NC-SA includes the following elements:

  • BY: credit must be given to the creator.
  • NC: Only noncommercial uses of the work are permitted.
  • SA: Adaptations must be shared under the same terms.

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Dissemination Plan

My prototype is still very much at the early stage level. We all plan to have a working prototype that has been integrated with Hydrogen by December. The Hydrogen Village is a 2 Year Funded project. So the projected timeline of the dissemination plan for 2024 are as follows:

Month (2024) Activity
Aug Refine the prototype - at least where all the skeletons are covered. Right now I have completed the Power Meter - but there are still other parts needed to be prototyped.
Sept Consult to Association of Hydrogen Fuel Cell to integrate a fuel cell to the prototype
October First working prototype done - Beta Testing with the Hydrogen Village residents through Workshops or Focus Group Discussion
November Refining prototype based on testing feedbacks
December Present prototype to donor - make 5 or 10 to be applied in households