Week 19

Home Assignment

Project Development

This week I answered various questions regarding the development of my final project, ultimately creating a comprehensive plan to finish it.

What tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?

So far, I’ve designed the custom PCB and successfully integrated the logic gates with Xiao's RP2040 microcontroller. I've also completed the 3D modeling of the kit's enclosure and used laser cutting to fabricate it. The stickers for the kit were designed in Figma, and the Arduino IDE was used to program the microcontroller for various interactive experiments. I still need to assemble the final kit components, including mounting all electronics onto the PCB and securing them in the enclosure. I also need to develop comprehensive educational materials and project guides. Finally, I will conduct usability testing with students to gather feedback and make any necessary adjustments.

What’s working? What’s not?

The custom PCB and integrated logic gates with the Xiao RP2040 microcontroller are not functioning well, I faced issue with Tactile Push Buttons, when I was coding them at the time of touch the buttons gives high pulse which was not expected tilll the button is pushed, I found the issue with the help of our instructor Suhas Sir, I made changes in code such as state of all the components should be pulldown (INPUT_PULLDOWN). The laser-cut enclosure fits perfectly, and the educational materials are clear and engaging. However, I've encountered an issue with the touch sensor; it sometimes triggers inaccurately, possibly due to sensitivity settings or environmental factors. To address this, I plan to adjust the sensor's sensitivity and test it in different conditions. Additionally, I will explore repositioning the sensor to reduce false activations.

What questions need to be resolved?

1. How accurately does the touch sensor detect inputs, and can its sensitivity be optimized for different environments?
2. Should the logic gate demonstrations include additional input options for enhanced complexity?
3. What is the best placement for components to ensure ease of use and minimize interference during student experiments?

What will happen when?

Completed Tasks:
6/2: Designed and milled the custom PCB, integrated Xiao RP2040, and tested logic gate functionality.
6/4: Completed laser cutting for the enclosure and collected electronics components for the kit.
Incomplete Tasks:
6/6: Assemble all components into the enclosure and finalize the kit's physical structure.
6/7: Conduct usability testing with students, gather feedback, and make necessary adjustments.
6/8: Prepare video demonstrations and finalize presentation slides.
6/12: Presentation day, It’s go-time!!

What have you learned?

I've learned the importance of effective time management and the value of flexibility in project planning. Creating a detailed schedule helps, but being adaptable when tasks take longer than expected is crucial. I've improved my troubleshooting skills, especially with electronics, and gained patience in overcoming technical challenges. This journey has been challenging but incredibly rewarding, enhancing my problem-solving abilities and reinforcing the importance of perseverance.

FAB ACADEMY - Akash Mhais 😎

Electronics Learning Kit by Akash Mhais is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0