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Final Project: Proposal

Week 1- Ideation:

Idea 1: Board game with interactive elements

Board game with 3d pieces (similar to a D&d game map), instead it is connected to an arduino and is interactive. For example: Take the game ‘CLUE’ for the sake of understanding, now imagine the flat board having a 3d set (like a diorama) and it is all connected under the board. So when you place a Player Piece near a door, the door swings open sensing this player piece. Similarly for lights and perhaps other moving objects.
What the game will entail is to be decided (‘CLUE’ is just an example- a clue as to how it will work :D)

Other ideas:
Idea 2: Interactive Talking Parrot

In short: A mechanical parrot which talks. Can be used as an alarm or maybe the parrot narrates random stories. It’s head can move and it’s wings can also flap- both thanks to servo.

Idea 3: Playful, tactile, modular keyboard

The keys of the keyboard are not flat, but instead are 3D shapes like a tiny dome, a small pyramid and so on. The keys can be placed anywhere as per the user and the keys are colorful. This is to provide a means for children to learn how to use the computer keyboard, or for the adults to just have fun.

Week 2- CAD design

I designed this Cauldron on Blender:

I also designed this Title/Logo for the board game’s name “Atelier”:

You can find the detailed process of the CAD week on its documentation page: CAD week documentation