Week 1

The Automated Mushroom Grow Chamber

this is my first sketch

my final project idea is going to be an autamated mushroom grow chamber. Ideally this chamber should be able to monitor and ajust moisture, temperature & CO2 levels in a mushroom mycelium block I aim to acheive this using a variety of sensors, a Fan for air flow and co2 controll and some piezo elecreic humidifyers. I got this Idea from a cody'slab video witch i have linked to below. Although I got this Idea from his video I intend to do this on a much smaller scale and with allot more automation for those who may not have a whole room to dedicate to mushroom growing and want something more user friendly

Cody's video

I started of by focusing on learning enough HTML to atleast be able to make a coheirent website for documentation and display. next I focused on learning git and getting git and VS code to play nice, i had some issues in that regard but a few google searches later i had found all the fixes I nedded to get everything working correctly. links to the relevent videos will be provided below

HTML Tutorial

Gitlab & VS code integration

Fix for the integration issue I encountered

next step was to think of something do for my final project. I ended up deciding to make the Mushroom Growchamber as I am quite fond of mycology but growing mushrooms is hard and takes allot of maintainence to do it right.

Just for fun I started some tests using what I had on had and canibalized a handsanitizer mister for its circuit and piezo. using this I was able to try out the component and see how best to feed it water

handsanitizer mister