Invention, Intellectual Property and Income


To provide a technologically advanced cane that enhances the mobility and safety of visually impaired individuals by incorporating GPS tracking for location monitoring and laser sensors for obstacle detection.

Key Features:

  1. GPS Tracking: Allows family and friends to track the user’s location, offering peace of mind.
  2. Obstacle Detection: Laser sensors identify obstacles and alert the user through sound and vibrations.

Dissemination Goals

  • Raise Awareness: Increase awareness about Gioxance among potential users, caregivers, and relevant organizations.
  • Encourage Adoption: Promote the cane's usage among visually impaired individuals and healthcare providers.
  • Seek Partnerships: Establish collaborations with organizations, healthcare providers, and tech companies to enhance product reach and development.
  • Gather Feedback: Collect user feedback to improve the product continuously.

Target Audiences

Primary Audience:Visually impaired individuals.

Secondary Audience: Organizations supporting visually impaired people (e.g., National Federation of the Blind).

Dissemination Channels:

  1. Digital Media:Utilize platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to share user stories, product updates, and educational content; also participate in forums for visually impaired individuals to introduce the Gioxance Cane.
  2. Traditional Media:: Announce the product launch in newspapers, magazines, and relevant industry publications.
  3. Events:Attend assistive technology expos and healthcare conferences to showcase the Gioxance Cane.
  4. Printed Materials:Distribute at healthcare facilities, community centers, and relevant events.

Funding and Business Plan

Funding Sources:

  • Seek funding from government grants and donations from nonprofits focused on disability support.
  • Launch a crowdfunding campaign to engage public interest and secure initial capital.
  • Collaborate with tech companies and healthcare organizations for co-funding and support.

Business Plan:

  • Direct sales to end-users, partnerships with healthcare providers for recommendations, and bulk sales to organizations.
  • Focus on sustainable manufacturing practices to maintain affordability while ensuring quality.

Funding Scaling Up:

  • Attract investors interested in assistive technology to fund expansion and R&D.
  • Reinvest a portion of profits into further product development and outreach efforts.
  • Establish international partnerships to extend market reach and distribute the product globally.

Licesing Considerations:

The choice of licensing depends on the project’s goals for sharing technology and intellectual property. For the Gioxance , we might consider:

  • Open Source: Share non-proprietary elements of the technology to encourage community development and improvements.
  • Proprietary License: Protect unique technology aspects to maintain competitive advantage and control over manufacturing quality.

Evaluation and Feedback:

Metrics for Success:

  • Measure the number of visitors and their engagement levels.
  • Track growth in followers, shares, and user interaction.
  • Users download of the APP

The dissemination plan for the Gioxance aims to ensure that the project reaches those who need it the most by using a variety of channels and partnerships to maximize impact. We focus on making the product accessible and affordable, and we are committed to reducing costs so that more people can benefit from it. The participation of a larger number of users will facilitate large-scale production and make the cane more accessible to everyone.


Improving and providing the Gioxance to more people is possible because as the number of users increases, production can scale up, leading to lower manufacturing costs. By leveraging economies of scale, we can reduce the price, making the product more affordable and accessible to a larger audience. Additionally, partnerships with healthcare providers, nonprofits, and government agencies can enhance distribution and funding, ensuring that the product reaches those in need. Through continuous feedback from users, the product can be refined and optimized, further driving down costs and expanding its impact.


I will use a CC BY license for this project because it is intended to help more people. This license allows others to recognize my work while also enabling them to improve upon it and generate new ideas. By sharing it under CC BY, I hope to encourage collaboration and innovation, ensuring that my contributions are acknowledged and that the project can evolve and benefit even more individuals.

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Final video