Invention, Intellectual Property and Income

Dissemination of your final project.

I want to continue designing

But, what's the next step?

What items of clothing and accessories can be registered?

Any item of clothing or accessory can be registered as long as it is unpublished and unique and has never been shown before on the market or on social networks. In the event that it had already been published before its registration, we must not exceed the grace period of a maximum of 1 year.

Can the pattern of a garment be registered?

Normally, the final design of the item of clothing, the details, colors or texture is usually registered and protected but, in some cases, the pattern can also be protected. Before making the decision to register a garment pattern, we must consider whether registering it will protect the resulting design or not.
If the answer is affirmative and we believe that the pattern of the garment or accessory is basic and inevitable in order to manufacture the final product, it is a very good option as a strategy.
However, we would also consider registering the final design. In this way we cover more and protect it better.

Register design or Register brand

Although it is not a mandatory procedure, it is highly recommended to register your brand and patents with the IMPI when the company begins activities.
By doing so, you guarantee the exclusive use of your creations and obtain legal support from the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI) in case of illicit exploitation or plagiarism.

If you want to know more about this Click Here!

Meanwhile, my next step is the "BEYOND FASHION"

The best way that people know my work is to show it on fashion shows