2. Computer -Aided design

This week I worked with 2D and 3D modeling, so I socialized with the fusion 360 program, with which you can download or work online.

Description of the work process of the week 02

Fusion 360 is a very intuitive program that allows you to make 2D and 3D creations from a sketch. I chose this program because I had previously taken a class and learned some tools, but this time I learned to use more tools that allowed me to carry out My goal was to create a piece for my final project, and design a second piece but in 3D which I hope to show you in the following week already printed.


The idea is to create pallets to join them together, with a screw that is not too tight, to allow flexibility of the joint. For this task use some basic tools, following the steps below:

  • Create sketch
  • Select from the top toolbar create a rectangle of 13 cm, by 3cm, at first only at the base I could give the measures, but then selecting "sketch dimension", I could give the measure I wanted to the width, then create two circles on the side aligned and in the MODFICAR option, I took scissors to cut the part of the rectangle and circle that did not serve me.
  • To insert the screws I needed circles so they could enter so I created them, I made 3 circles of 3mm aligned lengthwise, you can find this tool in the top bar.
  • Another tool that you can find in the option CREATE, is to create text, once chosen I wrote the name of my project "NEARME", this when I cut the pieces will be engraved on them.

Once this part was finished, the 2D piece was ready, so I clicked on FINISH SOCKETT. Now I had to save it, for this there are different options that you can find in fusion, one of them is to save and it is saved in the cloud, save locally, export as a DXF or STL or another is that you can share the link with other people and even create a password, so that not anyone can access.


To begin with the 3D design I started with piece one to be able to relate to the tools, I created 3 close circles and then joined them with the line tool, then do the same in the center of the piece. And place 3 circles, to finish select the piece and extrude it at a distance of 10 mm, this is how an object was created.

For the last piece, it took me longer to do it and cost me a little more work, but I was able to do it. I was guided by the tools I already knew, and I investigated the use and application of others. And I learned more tools, I continued exploring and I was able to make the final piece alone.

This piece will serve in my FINAL PROJECT as a shelf where I can leave the eraser or marker. I was also thinking about making the pieces 2D in 3D, but I think the weight would be too much..

reflection and analysis

Something I found when exploring the fusion 360 program was that it has a store where you can buy or download some tools. I downloaded a screw to explore the tool and then made a nut, plus you can export and import STL and DXF files.

Useful links

