Applications and implications

For this assignment, I will document everything necessary for my project, which I've named HexaInteractive.

What will it do?

Simon is an electronic game created by Ralph Baer and Howard J. Morrison in 1978. It was very successful during the 80s. It is disk-shaped, with four quadrants on one of its faces, each with a color: green, red, blue, and yellow in its original version. The idea for my project is inspired by Simon and consists of making each of these quadrants as modular buttons (specifically 3), which can be attached to a surface and interacted with through mini-games that involve reaction, timing, memory, and exercise.

Who has done what beforehand?

As I mentioned, the only resemblance I've found is my inspiration from the Simon game. The game randomly lights up the color quadrants, and as each quadrant lights up, it emits its own sound. After waiting, the user must input the displayed sequence in the correct order, relying on their visual and auditory memory. However, these color buttons come in a single module and with only one game.

What will you design?

I will design everything, starting with the exterior design (casing) that will cover all the interior electronics. I also need to design the button pressing mechanism (which, in turn, has to be made of a transparent material to optimally refract the light).

What materials and components will be used?

Product Quantity
Ceramic Capacitor 0805 10uF 16V CL21A106KOQNNNE 6
Battery Holder Batteries 3
18650 Battery 3.7V 2200mAh 6
Neopixel Strip WS2812 5050 RGB LED 6
L7805CV 5V 1.5A Regulator 3
Large Push Button 12mmx12mm 3
MDF Board 1.20m x 80cm x 3mm 1
Transparent PETG Filament 1 roll

Where will they come from?

From online stores like Amazon, Mercado Libre, Unitelectronics.In FABLAB Puebla, we have some materials that will help carry out this project.

Where will they come from?

From online stores like Amazon, Mercado Libre, Unitelectronics.

How much will they cost?

Product Quantity Cost (USD) Total Cost (USD)
XIAOESP32S3 3 $7.50 $22.50
Ceramic Capacitor 0805 10uF 16V CL21A106KOQNNNE 6 $0.10 $0.60
Battery Holder 3 $1.50 $4.50
18650 Battery 3.7V 2200mAh 6 $4.00 $24.00
Neopixel Strip WS2812 5050 RGB LED 6 $2.00 $12.00
L7805CV 5V 1.5A Regulator 3 $0.50 $1.50
Large Push Button 12mmx12mm 3 $0.75 $2.25
MDF Board 1.20m x 80cm 1 $10.00 $10.00
Transparent PETG Filament 1 $25.00 $25.00

Total Estimated Cost: $102.35

What parts and systems will be made?

It is divided into 3 parts:


For design, I used Fusion 360 to create the casing for my project, and it will be cut using a 3mm MDF board on the laser cutter.

Additionally, for the design of the button mechanism, I printed it in 3D using transparent PETG filament on an Ender 3 printer.


The electronic circuit design needs to be created in PCB and manufactured 3 times, one for each button. The components also need to be soldered onto the board.


Program the XiaoESP32 to interact with each other using ESP-NOW to take advantage of compatibility.

What parts and systems will be made?

It is divided into 3 parts:


  • For the design, I used Fusion 360 to create the casing for my project. To cut it, a 3mm MDF board will be used with a laser cutter.
  • Additionally, for the mechanism design of the button, I printed it in 3D using transparent PETG filament on an Ender 3 printer.


  • The electronic design of the PCB circuit needs to be created and manufactured 3 times, one for each button. Also, the components will need to be soldered onto the board.


  • Program the XiaoESP32s to interact with each other using ESPnow to take advantage of compatibility.

What processes will be used?

The first step is design, creating a model in Fusion 360 of the casing that will cover the internal part (the circuit) of each button. I would like it to have a different shape, not exactly circular, to diverge from the typical. My idea is to make it an assembly design to take advantage of the modularity of the buttons.

An important part of the design process is creating the optimal lighting mechanism and the button press mechanism.

In the Electronics step, it's crucial to adapt to the casing design. The PCB should be a maximum of 10cm x 10cm to fit perfectly with the design. The electronic design is simple: a push button that, when pressed, stops the Neopixel strip lighting and a voltage regulator since two 3.7V batteries will be used per button, and the XiaoESP32 circuit specifically accepts only 5V.

Regarding programming, this is where I consider the project's difficulty lies—making the three XiaoESP32s communicate via WiFi using the ESPnow protocol may seem challenging to me. However, I found a webpage that could be very helpful in how to do this: Creating a Xiao Master that receives information sent from the interface and then instructs the slaves seems like a good idea.

What questions need to be answered?

  • How to create the button press mechanism?
  • What material is optimal for refracting the light from the Neopixel strip?
  • How to ensure optimal communication between the buttons?

How will it be evaluated?

It will be evaluated based on the functionality of the interaction between the buttons and their communication range, how well it refracts light, and the performance of the action mechanism.