Project Development

On this week assignment we have to answer some important questions about our final project.


What tasks have been completed?

At this point I already the following tasks:

  • The PCBs are already designed, cut and soldered.

  • The PCB Case is alreadt designed and printed.

  • The different components have already been tested and worked perfeclty.

  • The divice already detects the position of the finger.

  • The app already contains the customize section.

What tasks remain?

There are only a few task remaining:

  • Make the code that detects the gestures.

  • Make the app recieve what gestures the user is doing and make certain actions with it.

  • Cut the piece of clothing and make the trackpad with the conductive thread.

What has worked? What hasn't?

Until now, everything has worked as planned. The only thing I have to be carefull with are the flexible PCBs beacuse the can break.

What questions need to be solved?

  • How am I going to detect the gestures?

  • How am I going to change the tracks of the songs from the app?

  • Will the sleeve be comfortable to wear?

What will happen when?

When the project is done I will have to desgin a poster and a video for my final presentation on June 12.

What have you learned?

I have learned a lot of things in this Fab Academy journey. My 2d and 3d Design skills have improved a lot. Before this course, my electronic skills where a little weak, but know I am really confident in case I have to create a PCB. My programming skills were also improved, and my love for programming increased.

Finally I found other task that might become hoobies in my future beacuse I loved them making it like desing an Interface and molding.


To have an order on this project I decided to make a cronogram with all the tasks I have to do, it starts on January 24th with the creation of the sketch and final project page, and it is planned to end on June 8th with the creation of the Slide and Video for the presentation.

I also decided to make a calendar to show the exact day when I make the individual tasks. You can click on the task to see what exactly a did on that day.

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat