17. Applications and Implications

Propose a final project masterpiece.

What does it do?

My final project (CompuArm Manager) is a system that uses servomotors to control a laser. The laser helps locate components in an storage. The user can select the component using an interface that also has a component history and the amount of remaining components. The interface 2 csv for managing the components.

Who's done what beforehand?

Most of the similar projects are based in robotic arms and in camera tracking systems, but I didn't find any project that's exactly the same. One of the projects I found uses stepper motors for camera tracking, the steppers adjust their position bvased on the object distance from the camera. The camera tracking system uses a C920 webcam and python for the video processing. They also exist a lot of robotic arms that uses robotic claws, so their function are not very similar to my project.

What did you design?

I designed a robotic arm with 3 axles of movement to improve the servos MG995 range. The design includes the base, the arm support, the forearm and the laser part. The base contains all the electronic parts (including all the wires, the pcb and the power supply), the other parts are designed to improve the wire management. I also designed the pcb used for controlling the servos, the laser and the RFID sensor.

What materials and components were used?

The components used are:

  • Servomotors MG995 (3 of them).
  • Xiao ESP32 (changed to a Xiao RP2040).
  • Power Supply.
  • Copper Plate.
  • Milling Cutter.
  • V Cutter.
  • Laser.
  • PLA for 3D printing.

Where did they come from?

Most materials were given by the university, except for the laser and Xiao ESP32S3 (which I changed to a RP2040 that the university gave me), which were purchased separately.

How much did they cost?

Component Number Price Obtained
Servomotors MG995 3 5 dls Yes
Xiao ESP32S3 1 35 dls Yes
Xiao RP2040 1 15 dls Yes
Battery 1 6 dls Yes
Copper Plate 1 1 dls Yes
Milling Cutter 1 1 dls Yes
V Cutter 1 2 dls Yes
Laser 1 4 dls Yes
PLA Printing - 23 dls per kg Yes

What parts and systems were made?

The project involved several parts and systems. The mechanical parts I used were designed in SolidWorks and then were 3D printed or laser cut (for the bottom of the base). For the electronics, I designed a PCB to control the servomotors, the RFID sensor and the laser using a XIAO ESP32S3 (changed to a RP2040). In the software section, I created an interface used for selecting the components and sending different commands to the microcontroller.

What processes were used?

The project involved a lot of processes that were learned during the FabAcademy. The first process is 3D modeling and printing used for creating the mechanic parts of the robotic arm. This was followed by designing and milling my own PCB for the electronic control system. The components were soldered to the PCB and the microcontroller was programmed to control the servos and the laser and for receiving the interface commmands. Finally, and interface was created to enable the interaction between the computer and the robotic arm, this process needed a communication protocol (Serial) and obviously the interface design.

What questions were answered?

How to control servomotors using a microcontroller?

How to design an interface for component selection?

How to integrate a laser with a robotic arm to locate components?

What worked? What didn't?

What worked?

3D printed components, the pcb design and the integration of the servos, RFID sensor and the laser and the interface (including the managing processes) and its communication with the microcontroller.

What didn't?

My attemps of moving servos with the ESP32 were a toal fail, so I used an RP2040. One servomotor was broken causing short circuits, so I replaced it.

How was it evaluated?

It was evaluated by testing the movement of the servomotors and laser in response to the commands from the interface. The RFID sensor was also tested to make sure that it correctly identifies and read RFID cards, causing the appropriate servo movements.

What are the implications?

The project shows that using a robotic arm system can help manage inventory in storage rooms. It can be further developed for bigger uses in places like warehouses and libraries to make it easier to find items. I think using steppers instead of servos could improve the range of objects detected, making the system way better.

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