17. Invention, Intellectual Property and Income
Creative commons
Initially, I didn't know much about licenses and how they work, but I now understand them better thanks to Creative Commons. Creative Commons is an international nonprofit organization that empowers people to cultivate and maintain a vibrant commons of shared knowledge and culture. It addresses the world's most pressing challenges and helps create a brighter future for everyone. If you're unsure about which license you need, Creative Commons offers a section to help you determine the most suitable license for your purposes. You can access this part by clicking here.
Creative commons recomends me to use the CC BY 4.0 (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International)

Intelectual property
Are the legal rights granted to protect creations. There are different tipes of IP:
- Patents: protect inventions
- Trademarcks: protect brands (logos/names)
- Copyrights: creativve works (books/music).
- Trade Secrets: confidential business information.
Dissemination Plan
This project is an initial prototype, there are still a lot of things that can still be improved in the project. The plan is to continue working on the project until we have a fully functional and error-proof. Right now part of the mechanical part of the project is being patented. Hopefully, the project will continue developing so Ibero Puebla can eventually distribute it.
Future Possibilities
- Upgrade the pcb designs in order to make them more efficient
- Upgrade the loom to look better aesthetically
- Upgrade the coils to be more resistant