18. Invention, Intellectual Property & Income

Once you finish a project, there's always the need to protect what you authored and recognize what you didn't made yourself. In order to complete this week, I considered the different concepts that exist for sharing new projects in my country, Mexico and also internationally.

What's Intellectual Property?

Intellectual property refers to things created by the mind, like inventions, writings, art, designs, symbols, names, and images used in business. It includes legal rights that let creators or owners control how their creations are used, ensuring they get credit or money for them. Intellectual property rights cover patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets, protecting ideas and creations that aren't physical.

How does it work in Mexico

Here, we have two separate institutions that look after Copyright: the IMPI and the INDAUTOR. Each involves in protecting authors from different subjects, distinguishing from one another the next way:

Institution Role
INDAUTOR (National Institute of Copyright) Enforces copyright laws in Mexico, overseeing registration and protection of creative works.
IMPI (Mexican Institute of Industrial Property) Handles industrial property rights, including patents, trademarks, and industrial designs, promoting innovation and safeguarding intellectual property in Mexico..

Due to the characteristics of my project, it could be registered in the category of artistic works, but since it has a functional purpose, it falls under the jurisdiction of IMPI instead of INDAUTOR.

The concepts for registration

There are many different concepts that you may recognize associated with Intellectual Property and others with Industrial Property. Even though my project goes under the concept of Industrial Property , here's a list of concepts you may find.

Concept Description (IMPI) Concept Description (INDAUTOR)
Copyright Registration Legal process to protect literary, artistic, and scientific works. Patent Registration Process to protect new and useful inventions, excluding others from their use.
Related Rights Registration Protects rights of performers, producers of phonograms, and broadcasting organizations. Trademark Registration Protects distinctive signs (names, logos) identifying products or services in the market.
Registration of Musical Works Process to protect specific musical compositions. Industrial Design Registration Process to protect the industrial drawings and models.
Computer Program Registration Process to protect source code and design of computer programs. Integrated Circuit Registration. Process to protect the three-dimensional structure of integrated circuits.
Registration of Literary Works Process to protect written works such as books, essays, poems, and other literary texts. Utility Model Registration Process to protect new and useful innovations that offer a practical solution to a technical problem.

How would I register this?

This project fits in the description of a Utility Model, because they involve integrating features from other models to create innovative products. As they use existing technologies, they can enhance functionality or efficiency in a practical manner. I consider this is the case because there are many previous experiments with mechanical flowers, so the addition of my proposal would work with innovation on pre-existing inventions.

International dissemination

Creative Commons licenses provide a standardized way for creators to grant permissions for others to use their work under certain conditions, ad allow things as:
Definition for International Registration: Creative Commons licenses are legal tools that creators worldwide use to grant specific permissions regarding how their creative works can be used, shared, and adapted by others while retaining some rights. Scope: The Creative Commons framework encompasses a range of licenses tailored to different levels of permissions, from allowing commercial uses to restricting them, while always requiring attribution to the original creator(s). These licenses are internationally recognized and used across various types of creative content, including texts, images, music, and more.

International dissemination choice

The aplicble license for this project is the Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

  • No Additional Restrictions: Users may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing what the license permits.
  • Non-Commercial Use: Users cannot use your work for commercial purposes without your permission.
  • Attribution Requirement: Users must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made.
  • Attribution: Others can use, remix, adapt, and build upon your work.